Garden in March: Fertilize, cut, plant! These gardening tasks occur in the ornamental and kitchen garden in spring

In Marchthe gardening season beginsand there is a lot to do. Fertilizing, sowing, planting and cutting: We explain what work needs to be done in the ornamental and vegetable garden in March.

The garden in March: This work is imminent

For now: from Marchradical pruning of treesforbidden. Only maintenance cuts are permitted, as long as you carefully check for breeding birds first. However, you can scarify the lawn, remove frozen perennials, replant the flower and vegetable bed and of course supply the soil with fertilizer.

The kitchen garden in March: gardening work at a glance

Growing, planting and fertilizing: There is a lot to do in the kitchen garden in March. Most vegetables in this country are grown early to mid-March. However, there are also crops that can be added to the vegetable patch straight away.

Vegetables that need more time to germinate should be planted early in March. These include, for example, different types of peppers and chili peppers. Chard, celery and leek can also be preferred. The right time to plant in the vegetable garden is the beginning of May.

The right time to move forwardof broccoliis the end of March. The same applies to the tomatoes, which are very sensitive to frost and are only allowed outside after the Ice Saints. Most types of lettuce are only grown on the windowsill at the end of March, when the weather is warm. You can then also prefer herbs such as parsley and basil.

A move outside is possible in mid-April, when the salads and herbsProtected from night frost with fleecebecome.

The garden in March: which vegetables to sow and plant?

Not all vegetables are sensitive to frost. Early carrots, cauliflower and peas are allowed to go outdoors in March. At the end of the month you can also plant different types of new potatoes. Radishes, garden cress, turnips and parsnips can be sown directly into the vegetable patch from mid-March.

Harvest vegetables in March

If the weather is mild, vegetables such as chicory, parsnips or spinach can be harvested as early as the end of March. In the greenhouse, most kohlrabi varieties are ready to harvest in mid-March.

There is also a lot to do in the ornamental garden in March. Many shrubs need pruning so that they can sprout fully. March is also the right time to plant the flower bed again.

What flowers bloom in March?

In spring, numerous early blooming flowers emerge from the ground. Anemones, crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths and violets delight the eye with their bright colors.

Creating the flower bed in March: What flowers can you plant?

March is the right time to plant a flower bed. Primrose, gold star, pansies, larkspur, dahlias, tuberous begonias, pre-grown tulips: there are many flowers that can be planted in the flower bed in spring.

The garden in March: Cut rose bushes that bloom more often

Rose bushes that bloom several times a year need pruning in spring. Remove all dead, diseased or pest-infested parts of the plant. You can also thin out the plant a little if necessary. However, be careful not to cut back the shoots too much. After cutting, you can fertilize the plant.

Cut clematis

Anyone who missed the cut at the beginning of winter has a second chance to get the clematis into shape in March. Check carefully for nesting birds and thin out the climbing plant. Such a caring cut promotes flower formation.

Fertilize the lawn and then scarify it

The end of March - beginning of April is also the right time to scarify and fertilize the lawn. In order for scarifying to encourage the blades of grass to sprout again, the lawn must first be fertilized. The rule of thumb applies: the less nutrient-poor the soil, the earlier you have to fertilize. It's best to choose a warm, sunny day. If there is permanent frost or bad weather, fertilization can be postponed until April.

What to plant on the balcony in March?

The balcony garden also needs to be prepared for the coming spring. In March, among other things, rooted potted plants are repotted, geraniums and shrub roses are cut back and the houseplants are brought back to the balcony.

In mid-March, dahlias, morning glories, hyacinths, daffodils and daffodils can be grown on the windowsill.

Delicate exotics and perennial flowers stay in the house for now and only move to the balcony after the ice saints.

Clean the garden pond in spring

The garden pond is traditionally cleaned in mid-March and the water is partially or completely changed. If there are fish in the pond, it is best to suck out a fifth of the old water and refill it with fresh water. At the end, the water temperature and pH value are measured.

In March there isin the gardenand lots to do on the balcony. Planting, sowing, cutting and cutting treesScarify the lawnare among the tasks that the hobby gardener should complete in the spring.