High temperatures, sunshine and wonderful bathing weather – summer is the most beautiful season! We all know by now that too much sun is harmful to us and our pets. So it's only logical that our gardens also suffer from the extremely high temperatures. Plants can't dive into a cool lake or hide in the mall and enjoy the free air conditioning. Because unusually warm weather can cause a lot of stress and potential damage, it is extremely importantPlants in the gardento protect from heat. After all, you don't want your laboriously planted tomatoes and cucumbers to wilt and burn, right? So how can you counteract the heat waves and how often should we water the plants in the heat? We will explain all of this and much more information about garden care in midsummer in our article!
The fact that it sometimes gets really hot in summer is actually nothing new. But if the temperatures stay above 30 degrees for several days in a row, then it is called a heat wave. Unfortunately, the long-term climate outlook suggests that we need to significantly improve our hot weather gardening skills. To your herbs, flowers and plantsif possible without damageTo get through the middle of summer, hobby gardeners should know how best to protect the garden from the heat. However, different plants tolerate different temperatures. While vegetables such as radishes, broccoli, cabbage, pak choi or lettuce prefer cooler soil temperatures, temperatures of up to 30 degrees are optimalsummer vegetables and fruitslike tomatoes, peppers and peaches. Regardless of the variety, young plants are more susceptible to sunburn and heat stress and during a heatwave it is best to bring them indoors.
Protect plants from heat with mulch
What protects our plants from the cold in the winter months has exactly the opposite effect in the summer:A thick layer of mulchis one of the most effective ways to protect plants in the garden from heat. Mulching protects the soil from the strong rays of the sun and retains water much longer. Mulching also prevents the soil from heating up too much and ensures that the plant roots stay cool. To protect the garden from the heat, cover the soil with a thick layer of wood chips, bark mulch or grass clippings.
Provide some shade
To prevent your plants from burning and to protect the garden from the heat, you should provide sufficient sun protection. You should cover the plants and bring potted plants into the shade, especially during the midday heat from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Whether you put white sheets over it, buy a special shade cloth or use a large parasol - there are plenty of ways to create shade in the garden. However, it is important that you position the material so that it blocks sunlight but still allows good airflow for the plants. While companion planting is more commonly used to ward off pests or encourage pollinators, it is also a great option for protecting plants in the garden from the heat. To do this, plant tall, heat-tolerant plants around tenderer and sensitive varieties.
Protect the garden from heat with ground cover plants
Various ground cover plants are not only a visual eye-catcher in the garden, but can also help keep the soil moist and absorb heat. It is best to choose evergreen and easy-care ground cover that can withstand dry periods well. To create quick coverage, it is best to plant the ground cover plants close together.
Do not cut or plant garden plants in hot weather
Gardening work, such as cutting, fertilizing and transplanting, always puts stress on our plants. So if you want to protect your garden from the heat, you should avoid it during the summer heat. Leave your garden plants alone for now and wait until the temperatures have fallen below 30 degrees. You should also not clean out the faded plants during the heat - these can actually serve as additional protection and thus prevent sunburn.
Protect potted plants in summer
Potted plants look great in the garden and are a real eye-catcher. However, they are also the first to dry out in a heat wave. To protect them from the heat, it is best to place them in full shade or bring them indoors on particularly hot days. The containers also tend to dry out more quickly and it is therefore important to water potted plants at least once or even twice a day in mid-summer.
Protect your garden from heat: water plants properly in summer
To protect the garden from the heat, we need to water our plants regularly - that makes sense, right? However, a lot can go wrong and it's important not to overdo it - too much water can actually worsen soil conditions. First, spread the soil slightly and if the soil still feels moist, then watering can wait. The best time to water plants in mid-summer is early morning between 5 and 6 a.m. During this period, the plants are still cool from the night and can better survive the higher temperatures during the day. In the evening, however, the plants are very heated and cold water acts like a shock in this case. If there is no other option and you have to water in the evening, then it is best to use stale, lukewarm water.