In August, not only the fruits of the earlier sowing are harvested, but you can also set some new plants and optimally take advantage of the season until the end. The free surfaces in the vegetable patch can be filled with rapidly growing varieties, so that the vegetables become ready for harvest before the first frost. What types of vegetables can be sowed in August and what should you pay attention to the sowing this month, we reveal in the article.
Sowing in August: What does the seasonal calendar say?
To the vegetables thatCan be planted in August, belong leafy vegetables such as lamb's lettuce, spinach, cabbage, kale and mustard. Radies, beets, beetroot and carrots can also be pulled out of seeds in August. Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can be planted this month and still have enough time to get a good harvest. When choosing the plants, make sure that you buy edible (not ornamental) cabbage and kale, because these are easy to confuse.
August is also well suited for sowing different autumn cultures. You can now sow the seeds of winter radish, winter hedge onions and autumn flip. There are also plants that sown this month but will not be harvested until spring. One of them is thatHealthy chard, the hibernated outside in the vegetable bed and exerts on spring.
Sowing and growing vegetables in August: Tips for Success
If you sow vegetables in August, you should consider a few things for a successful harvest in autumn.
When is the right time for sowing?
Regardless of whether for sowing or planting, the right time always plays a crucial role in growing vegetables. Since the days in August are usually very hot, you should wait for a cooler day, for example after a rain shower. In such a cool, damp floor, the seeds and young plants can grow better. If no rain is expected in the coming days, you should water the bed well the day before sowing to create optimal conditions.
Prepare the floor
After irrigating the floor, you should still loosen it up and free it from weeds. A supply of long -term organic fertilizers would also be advantageous for the plants.
A notice:If you sow vegetables in August, you should make sure that you plants the young plantsPour extensively and regularly.
Observe crop rotation
In the vegetable patch, you should always adhere to the correct crop rotation. It has to do with the nutrient requirements of the plants and determines which crops can be grown on which area. It plays a role as to whether the plant is a weak, strong or medium-sized agent. It is best to get information when buying the seeds, where the selected vegetables sow.
The Asian vegetablesPak ChoiWith its tasty leaves is very easy to cultivate. You can both prefer the seeds and sow directly into the bed. Wait until the hottest days are over, otherwise the vegetables can bloom prematurely. After six to eight weeks you can harvest the leaves.
LettuceYou can sow between mid -August and mid -September. The plant is hardy and can be grown later in autumn. However, the low temperatures can slow down growth. It takes 10 - 12 weeks to harvest.
August is also well suited for the sowing ofCarrot. This vegetable can be sowed again every four weeks from February to September to achieve a continuous harvest. In areas without minus temperatures you can leave and harvest the beds in the bed over the winter.
The fastest growing vegetables includeradish. Sowing in the field can take place from the beginning of April to the end of August, so that you can harvest the crunchy radishes all season. In summer it takes 3-4 weeks to harvest, with the vegetables need a little longer to ripen in autumn - about 8 weeks.
Would you likeSpinachSowing for the autumn harvests, then the third and fourth August weeks are the ideal time for sowing. After that, it takes six to eight weeks for you to harvest fresh spinach leaves from the garden.
AlsoRucola or SalatraukeYou can still sow directly into the bed in August. This month the floor is warm enough so that the plant germinates and quickly (about six weeks) produces delicious leaves.
OneKaleTo grow in autumn, you should sow the seeds outdoors at the latest. The leafy vegetable has season in winter and can be harvested after the first frost, with the main time between November and January.
In the first two weeks of August you can tooBush beansStill sowing so that the vegetables can mature before the first frost.