Cleaning the greenhouse in the fall: How to clean it so it's ready for winter and spring!

Greenhouses are the perfect addition to any gardener because they protect plants from extreme weather and pests while extending the growing season for plants like tomatoes. The warm, dry and pest-free conditions are ideal for seedlings and tender plants. However, if a greenhouse is not maintained and disinfected, it can do more harm than good. Cleaning greenhouses, whether glass or plastic, significantly improves growing conditions for plants. Removing mildew, moss and dirt allows more light in and keeps pests and diseases at bay. Below you will discover how you can clean your greenhouse in autumn.

Why should you clean your greenhouse in the fall?

Regardless of whether they are made of glass, polycarbonate or polyethylene plastic, greenhouses benefit from regular cleaning and maintenance. Routine or annual cleaning is essential to prevent unwanted pests and diseases from entering. While plants thrive in this protected environment, it also provides the perfect conditions for pests to thrive or overwinter. Insects and mites overwinter in cracks and crevices, and plant pathogens livefurther in the ground, algae grows in the pipes, and fungus gnats reproduce on organic residues.

These are risks for any plants you hope to grow in the spring, and success requires a combination of plant removal, cleaning, disinfection and preparation. While this maintenance work should be carried out regularly for year-round greenhouses, autumn cleaning is sufficient for seasonal greenhousesat the end of the seasonout of.

Cleaning the greenhouse in autumn – instructions

You need:

  • A broom/vacuum cleaner
  • A bucket, dish soap and water
  • A window squeegee
  • Natural household cleaning products
  • A sponge/soft cloth

Remove all items

Start by removing your greenhouse items. This not only frees up space for your work, but also allows you to remove pests or diseases that are underneath the items. If possible, do not bring them back inside while cleaning. Choose a day when the weather is dry. A breeze is also helpful as it helps dry the greenhouse faster. If you prefer to spread the cleaning over several days, you should plan the timing carefully.

Sweep the floor

Start at the ground. The floor of your greenhouse may be covered with dead plant material or even moss or algae. Sweep or vacuum the floor until all traces are removed. Pests and diseases can live in even the smallest areas.

Clean the greenhouse in the fall – clean all surfaces and windows

If your greenhouse has an electrical outlet, don't forget to cover all electrical outlets. Clean the surfaces in your glasshouse with water and dish soap, preferably a hot solution. Clean the windows of your greenhouse inside and out with a window squeegee.So can the plantsallow the maximum amount of light to pass through.

How do you clean a polycarbonate greenhouse?

Polycarbonate panes are used in many greenhouses and in order to keep your greenhouse clean, the individual panes must also be kept clean. Because most polycarbonate products have UV protection, you cannot scrub them or use harsh abrasives when washing them. Instead, start by washing each pane with a mild soap, such as dish soap, and water. If the water becomes dirty, pour it out and replace it with clean water. Do this as often as necessary. Use a sponge or soft cloth as anything else can damage the windows.

Disinfect your greenhouse

Use a natural household cleaning product to disinfect your greenhouse to remove any unwanted bacteria, fungi or mold. You can also start this work the next day.

There are many ways to eliminate algae, mildew and mold. If these deposits are on your plants, you can spray them with vinegar, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe the solution off. You can also mix a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with 250 ml of water and spray it on your plants. Let the mixture sit for ten minutes and then wipe it off with a cloth.

Use a hose

Hose down your greenhouse with a hose at high speed. This is a more effective alternative to scrubbing with a bucket of soap and water. The nooks and crannies in your greenhouse are an ideal hiding place for creepy crawlies, and the pressure from the hose helps flush them out. Metal frames are less attractive to pests, but wood is desirable, so be especially careful here.

Can you steam clean a greenhouse?

A good steam cleaner is all you need to ensure the inside of your greenhouse is as clean as it can be. The best thing about steam cleaning your greenhouse is that most of these cleaners only use water and nothing else, making it a completely natural way to keep greenhouses clean at all times.

Don't forget pots and accessories

Thoroughly wash all greenhouse accessories, including pots, trays and equipment, with soapy water and soak them in an oxygen bleach solution made from 150g of oxygen bleach to 4L of water.