Orchids can sometimes produce a cutting (alsoSureorChildcalled) and you should know how to react in this situation. What is a Keiki? This term comes from Hawaiian and means “child” or “baby”. In orchids, an offshoot can form on the plant that is identical to the mother plant. Here you will find helpful tips on how to cut off an orchid offshoot - autumn is perfect for this activity. You can then pot up the little ones.
Why do orchid clusters arise?
Mature orchids can form keikis for a variety of reasons. Some genera such as Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium orchids tend to form offshoots. But children often also arisewhen an orchid is stressed. When an orchid is dying, producing an infant asexually may be its best chance of passing on its genes. Because Keikis are produced without pollination, each Kindel is genetically identical to its mother plant. Once mature, they have the same flowers as the mother plant.
How can you recognize orchid cuttings?
Offshoots look like small plants growing on the trunk of the mother plant. In Phalaenopsis orchids, they are usually located at the nodes along the stem. In the dendrobium they are usually located at the end of the stem, where the hormones necessary for the formation of a keiki accumulate.
Check the condition of the mother plant
If you notice a keiki growing on one of your orchids, the first thing you should do is check the health of the mother plant. As previously mentioned, cuttings are often triggered by stress and a new sprout can be a sign that your orchid is not doing well. You should check all of the plant's conditions, but there are two things you should pay special attention to:
- Is the temperature too high (especially for Phalaenopsis orchids)?
- Is the orchid not getting enough light?
After checking the health of the mother plant, decide whether you want to keep the child. Offshoots can grow into an independent orchid, but they drain resources from the mother plant. Some growers allow the children to mature, others remove them to allow the mother plant to thrive.
Cut off orchid offshoots: This is how it works!
To remove a keiki, simply sever it with a sharp, sterile blade. To prevent more children from forming, you should cut back the spines of the mother plant after flowering.
If you want to keep the keiki and grow it into a full-grown orchid, follow these steps:
- Don't be in a hurry to separate the plantlet from the main plant. Be patient and wait until the roots are 3 to 5 inches long. In addition, the plant should be...Timing of transplantinghave some leaves.
- Once the above conditions are met, cut the plantlet from the mother plant about 5 cm below the stem.
- Use cinnamon on the cut parts to prevent fungal infections from occurring.
- Plant the orchid cuttings in a 10cm pot and use sphagnum moss, bark, peat moss, cork or a commercial orchid potting mix as potting soil andwater the plantsthen good. If you choose peat moss, make sure it is moist before you start potting. Fill the bottom of the pot with some moss and then form a moss ball slightly larger than the pot and wrap it around the childel. The moss should be pressed firmly into the pot so that the cutting has a good grip (use the flower stalk to anchor the baby orchid). When the plant is fully grown, you can access barkas potting soiltransfer.
- Label the child with a separate label so you can remember its family tree. Some growers also label it with a number (number 2) to track growth.
- Once finished, find a strategic location with plenty of shade but access to natural light.
- In the meantime, pay attention to other growing conditions such as moist and nutrient-rich soil, high temperature and sufficient humidity.
Raising a child is a lot of fun. It may take one to three years for your cuttings to bloom, but in the end you will have an orchid that you grew yourself when it was “little.”
Separating orchid keiki: the growth of the new plant
Your child should not be exposed to too much direct sunlight immediately after transplanting. Once you see signs of growth, you can increase the amount of light every few days. If your cutting is well established and growing healthily, it can receive the same amount of light as the mother plant. Additionally, you should only fertilize when the leaves show signs of growth.