When you think of hibiscus, you immediately imagine the potted plant or the garden marshmallow. But there are some special cases, such as the giant hibiscus, hybrids such as the rose marshmallow “Marina” or the hibiscus hedge, which require special care. In the article we will tell you how to cut hibiscus, when you should do it and what you should take into account when cutting these special cases.
What will be cut off in October?
First of all: There are many different types and varieties of hibiscus, each has its own requirements in terms of location, soil and is cut at different times. Of course, you should take these requirements into account so that the plant can survive the winter without any problems. As a rule, however, the following pruning measures are possible in October:
- A caring cut, in which diseased, weak, inward-growing shoots are removed, should be carried out at the beginning of October. Plants that are affected by pests or suffering from a disease can also be cut. Only the diseased parts of the plant are removed.
- It is best to leave things that have faded immediately afterEnd of flowering period(also at the beginning of October). Withered flowers are entry points for pests and provide breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.
- The rose marshmallow, which is primarily grown as a houseplant, can be cut back all year round.
- The perennial marshmallows are also traditionally cut back in autumn. They are hardy and can easily tolerate pruning in October.
Common mistakes when pruning in autumn:
- When pruning in autumn, the plants are cut right down to the old wood. Actually a mistake, because the hibiscus will no longer sprout from it.
- Old or diseased plants can be transplanted. Before transplanting, they are first cut back heavily. However, the right time for this is not in autumn, but in spring.
- Evergreen varieties are not cut annually, but only when necessary. That is, when they need to be shaped into the desired shape. The right time for this is also spring.
Cut giant hibiscus
The giant hibiscus is so called not because of its height, but because of its large flowers. One of these flowers, which it bears in summer, can reach an impressive 30 cm. However, the giant hibiscus is not only a beautiful eye-catcher, but above all an easy-care garden plant that can withstand temperatures down to -28° Celsius. Thehardy treesIn this country it is mostly offered as hybrid breeding.
The giant hibiscus is cut back heavily in autumn, immediately after the end of the flowering period. In this sense it is an exception, as it is perhaps the only Hibiscus species whose shoots are cut off close to the ground in autumn. The potted plant is also cut back.
Cutting a hedge
If several hibiscus bushes are planted next to each other, they can be grown as a hedge. However, these are only brought into the desired shape in spring, shortly before new shoots. Autumn is not the right time for this.
What you can and should cut in autumn: Sickly, inwardly growing shoots. Old, heavily woody shoots that no longer produce flowers or leaves. In the event of an infestation: Cut off all affected parts of the plant close to the ground.
Cutting hibiscus tree
The hibiscus tree is actually the garden hibiscus. If the hobby gardener wishes, the shrub can also be grown as a standard tree. Topiary pruning is only done in spring when the branches that have sprouted to the sides are cut back. In the first few years the tree does not produce flowers, but once it has reached the desired height, the shoots at the top can be shortened slightly. This stimulates flower formation.
In autumn, around the beginning of October, the main shoots can be shortened so that they can sprout again in spring and form a dense crown.
The “Marina” variety
The Hibiscus Marina is one of the hybrid varieties. The rose marshmallow has an upright habit and can grow up to two meters high. It is popular for its beautiful purple flowers and is also visited by butterflies and bees until early autumn.
The flowering period of the “Marina” variety extends into autumn. In October, immediately after the end of the flowering period, the annual wood is shortened slightly. Older shoots can also be removed if they are diseased or no longer produce flowers. However, severe pruning is not recommended. The plant no longer sprouts on old wood and only produces flowers on this year's wood.
Also read:Which trees to prune in October? Maintain the right plants!
Cutting hibiscus: The right time is crucial
The hibiscus is cut on a cloudy but warm day. It is best to do this early in the morning so that the plant can recover during the day. During heavy rains or if it is likely to rain in the next few days, do not prune the hibiscus. Place the freshly cut potted plant in a wind-protected, rain-protected and sunny place in the garden. You can cover the garden plants with fleece to prevent them from burning.
You do not need to fertilize or water the hibiscus immediately after cutting. Both could promote re-sprouting. Young shoots are very sensitive to frost andcan freeze to deathwhen temperatures drop below 10 degrees Celsius in the evening. The incision sites should also remain dry so that they can heal quickly. Wetness could lead to rot and, in the worst case, the entire plant could die.