Propagating hydrangeas in summer: step-by-step instructions for successful propagation through cuttings

Every amateur gardener who has a passion for flowers must try to grow hydrangeas at least once in his life. These traditional garden plants are very popular in German gardens thanks to their huge flowers in a variety of colors. No wonder people want to propagate their hydrangeas.

There's nothing nicer than a long line ofblooming hydrangeas, which cover the garden with color. However, purchasing enough plants to create this impressive image can be quite expensive. But you don't have to do this if you have a healthy plant and are successfully propagating it. We'll reveal how you can do this below.

When should you propagate hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas are deciduous shrubs, so it's best to propagate them in the summer, giving them some time to grow roots before they go dormant in the winter. The best time for propagation is early summer, between late June and mid-July.

How do I propagate a hydrangea?

Regardless of whether youmagnificent snowball hydrangea 'Annabelle', dielong-flowering farmer's hydrangea 'Endless Summer'or grow another variety in the garden, with the right technique you can successfully propagate these beautiful plants. Propagation via cuttings is one of the easiest and quick methods for hydrangeas. All you need is a sharp pair of scissors, some rooting powder and a healthy plant and you're ready to go.

Propagating hydrangeas through cuttings: 6 simple steps to success

In order for hydrangea cuttings to have the best chance of taking root, you should start with healthy mother plants that are free of disease andPests such as aphidsare. Both flowering and non-flowering shoots can be propagated, but shoots without flower buds are always recommended as cuttings when propagating hydrangeas.

A notice:This propagation method works for all hydrangea species and varieties. With the right know-how and a little patience, you can easily create an entire flowering hedge of hydrangeas at no additional cost!

1. Prepare the soil

Soil is often overlooked when propagating plants, but it plays a crucial role. To prevent the stems from rotting, the soil must be well-drained but still contain enough moisture to promote root growth.

Hydrangeas can be propagated in a high-quality, well-drained potting mix or seeding mix. However, to provide the cuttings with an optimal environment, it is far better to mix the soil yourself. A combination of equal parts coconut fiber and sand is ideal for propagating softwood and hardwood. The coconut fiber retains moisture while the sand improves drainage.

Mix the soil thoroughly and place it in a medium-sized pot deep enough to hold the cutting. Water the soil before planting to moisten it and avoid washing out the rooting powder later.

2. Cut off a suitable shoot

Next, choose the right shoot for your cutting. It should be at least 15 cm long and have light green new growth. It is better to choose a shoot that is still green without flower buds and has not yet bloomed. Do not choose shoots with woody growth from the previous year, as they are significantly less likely to form roots.

Using sharp, disinfected secateurs, cut off the selected shoot below the third pair of leaves. Try to cut the shoot at a 45° angle - this is the point where new root growth will develop.

3. Trim shoots and shorten leaves

Now you should pinch off the two leaves on the lower part of the cutting and cut off the shoot above the middle pair of leaves so that the cutting begins and ends with a leaf node. To avoid damaging the nodes, cut the leaves with secateurs instead of picking them off.

Shorten the remaining leaves by cutting them horizontally in the middle. This puts less strain on the cutting as moisture absorption is restricted and the plant can concentrate on root formation instead.

A notice:Do not allow the hydrangea cuttings to dry out throughout the process. Work quickly in a shady location.

4. Prepare hydrangea cuttings

To help the cuttings take root faster, use rooting powder. Put some of the powder in a bowl first, then dip the end of the cutting in a little water and then in the powder so that the exposed part is completely covered. Discard the remaining powder from the bowl.

5. Plant cuttings

Take your soil-filled pot and poke a hole in the center with your finger. This prevents the rooting hormone from being withdrawn from the cutting when it is placed in the soil. Bury the bottom half of the cutting and press the soil around it to anchor it. If the soil has been sufficiently moistened beforehand, you do not need to water after planting.

6. Cover pots with plastic wrap

Hydrangeas need warmth and high humidity to form roots. You can create this environment around the plant by placing a clear plastic bag over the pot. This also locks in the moisture and the soil does not dry out as quickly.

Take a few skewers or sticks and insert them around the edge of the pot so that the height is just above the cutting. Then place a clear plastic bag around the pot and support it on the skewers. This will keep the plastic wrap completely away from the cutting and prevent moisture from getting onto the leaves or trunk on the sides.

You can secure the foil around the pot with a rubber band, but then it will be more difficult to remove later and air circulation will be restricted. Instead, place the pot in a warm location away from wind and direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves through the plastic.

Propagate hydrangeas: care for young plants and plant them in the garden

Keep the soil moist by misting regularly and adding water if it dries out. Be careful not to overwater the cuttings as they can quickly rot.

After about 3-4 weeks, small roots should have formed. You can test this by gently pulling on the cutting - if you feel a certain amount of resistance, the roots have grown. Then remove the plastic bag and place the pot in a shady but warm place. Continue to keep the soil moist.

You can leave the cutting in the same pot or transplant it into a larger pot if necessary. Keep the young hydrangea plant potted and stored in a cool, frost-free place indoors over the winter until you can plant it in the garden next spring.