Remove clover from the lawn or not? Reasons why “the weed” is actually very useful!

Many people believe that the ideal lawn is a well-maintained lawn with no visible weeds, but what about clover? There are more than 300 different types of clover found around the world. It is a dense ground cover that can be recognized by its leaves. This low-growing plant is actually a legume, the same family as peas and beans, although it is often referred to as a weed. Should you remove clover from your lawn or not? There are actually many reasons why you shouldn't fight it - it's very useful and you'll learn more about it below.

Remove clover from the lawn or not? Tips and more information about it

Before the development of foliar herbicides, white clover was commonly used in grass seed mixes. This was beneficial for farms and gardens all over the world at the time. Before you pull out the clover-looking plants, consider the plant's benefits as a low-maintenance and environmentally friendly alternative to grass or companion plants. Growing clover is less dependent on harsh chemicals than traditional turf. The plant is more resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and is able to fix nitrogen in the soil, which means thatOther plants thriveenabled. Are you interested in trying clover? As mentioned above, there are many reasons why you should let the “weeds” grow in your beautiful, green lawn. Believe us, you will be happy with the result.

The clover plant can thrive even in difficult environments

Grass can become unsatisfied for a variety of reasons, including drought, dog urine, and an excess of shade. This leads to brown or dead spots in the lawn. Clover, on the other hand, is resilient enough to survive almost all of these circumstances, even the presence of dog friends, without any noticeable effects.

Clover thrives in many types of soil

Unlike grass, clover plant is not picky about the conditions in which it can or cannot grow. Even in soils with poor drainage, poor quality or compacted soil, clover can grow and retain its green color. Once established, it requires less water than most lawn grasses, meaning it is suitable for climates that experience drought in the summer.

The plant tolerates full sun

Clover is more adaptable than other types of lawns and tolerates both full sun and partial shade, making it an excellent choice for parts of the garden that tend to overheat or receive only partial sunlight.

Remove clover from the lawn or not? The mowing

Mowing clover is optional or almost unnecessary. White clover only reaches a height of 5 to 20 centimeters and requires little or no mowing to maintain its well-groomed appearance. However, some homeowners choose to mow their lawns in the middle of summer to remove spent blooms, clean up the lawn's appearance, or prevent grass from blooming.

Do not control bee-friendly clover

If you don't remove and control clover in your lawn, your garden will benefit from increased pollination by attracting beneficial insects such as bees. It also attracts ladybugs, lacewings and parasitic wasps, which feed on other insects such as aphids, scale insects and whiteflies. These predators are quite small and pose no threat to humans - in fact, they become eager friends in the fight against insect pests in your garden.

Clover plant is a useful fertilizer for the grass

This nitrogen-fixing legume is a plant that essentially creates its own fertilizer while helping other plants in itsfertilizes the immediate surroundings. When grass is planted alongside clover, the resulting lawn is stronger, greener and requires less maintenance than grass planted alone.

Clover fights weeds in the garden

Lawn grasses tend to have a hard time competing with weeds and repelling insects when left to their own devices. Both of these can become a major problem for your garden if left unchecked. Although clover is sometimes confused with a weed, it is actually the one that does the dirty work, using its strength and cover toother weedsto prevent it from thriving. These legumes immediately form clumps, which then spread quickly through secondary roots, naturally displacing the broad-leaved weeds. However, this does not mean that the clover plant will take over your lawn - on the contrary, it is very friendly to grasses and the two can thrive alongside each other.

Clover is like a foot spa

Walking barefoot on clover is a wonderful experience. Because it is soft, thick and cold, walking barefoot on clover grass is a pampering experience. Both the flowers and the leaves exude a delicate scent that is very tempting.

Conclusion:It's actually a good idea if you don't remove clover in the lawn, but rather grow it. Your garden can only benefit from this!