Growing herbs: Help, they don't grow! 10 common reasons why they might not sprout properly

You really wanted to grow herbs at home or in the garden and imagined a sprouting, fragrant garden where you could freshly harvest the healthy greens. But instead the plants hang their heads and are anything but lush, they don't grow properly and the lush green they wanted is unfortunately more yellowish. Don't worry, it's easy to go wrong in the herb garden. Check to see if it could be one of these common mistakes, so you can turn things around and transform the meager growth into a vibrant, lush, buzzing herbal oasis.

Growing herbs: They are in the wrong place

It may sound trivial, but this is often a reason, and therefore an important one, why the plants do not thrive properly. Just like other plants, the different herbs also have special requirements for location and soil. Before buying, check whether your herbs like sun or shade. Whether they prefer boggy or well-drained soil and whether it should be calcareous or more acidic. You then want to group plants that have similar needs together and choose and vary the location and soil according to the requirements. For example, lavender. Sage, oregano and thyme are all Mediterranean herbs that have the same needs and can be planted together in the appropriate location.

Too densely populated

Too dense planting has negative effects on every plant species. So before you plant them, find out about the growth of the respective plant and therefore about the distances to the next plant that you should maintain. If the box is already too densely populated, you should consider repotting perennial plants.

Do you prune regularly?

Although herbs are not primarily planted for aesthetic purposes, but rather as useful plants, this does not mean that they do not require appropriate care. Or that they can be neglected. Herbs require regular pruning in order to grow healthily and productively. If you don't need the herbs right now, you can freeze small portions of them. This way you have given the plant the necessary cut and also have a reserve at hand for spontaneous cooking activities.

Don't let them go wild

Don't let the plants go wild and bloom. Although some flowers are beautiful to look at, it will eventually damage and weaken the plant. Ideally, herbs should not be allowed to bloom at all. If they have already bloomed, cut off the flower to encourage healthy growth.

Does the earth have gravel?

Many herbs, especially Mediterranean ones such as thyme, sage, oregano or lavender, require well-drained soil in which water does not stagnate. You will smile, but the reason why the plants are not thriving may actually be the lack of pebbles in the plant soil. This ensures optimal drainage of excess water, prevents it from standing and the plant roots from rotting.

Growing herbs: Your herbs need water

Plants need a regular supply of water. Unfortunately, herbs are often neglected in this regard and you are led to think that you don't need that much. Plant labels often contain information that they tolerate drought. This may be the case, but only once the roots have grown more deeply into the soil. Therefore, pay attention to the plants, especially in the first growing seasonto water regularly, at least until they become strong enough after a season. Tip: Water the herbs first thing in the morning with a little water near the roots, but do not water the leaves. This means that the young plants have enough water throughout the sunny day and can use it for their vigorous development.

Some mulch

Spread some mulch around the plants, but not too close to the plant trunk. This could invite unwelcome insect guests. The mulch stores small reserves of water that the plant can draw from when needed.

Growing herbs: nutrients

Especially if you have gotten into the habit of pruning the herbs regularly, they need more strength and moreNutrients for growth. Fertilize your plants once a week with organic fertilizer or home remedies.

Have you planted peppermint in the garden?

It's not bad to have a surplus of well-growing plants, but some types of plants simply take over and you'll never be able to get rid of them. This appliesfor example for mint, which then spreads uncontrollably and restricts other plants. Therefore, plant mint in a separate pot.

Purchase of infected plants

This advice applies to all plants, but especially to those that will later end up on your table. Before purchasing, check the plant for signs of disease on the trunk and leaves. Also look under the leaves for the possible presence of pests or their eggs. We hope you enjoy itGrow herbsand a lush and fragrant growth.