Plant herbs in the garden and care for them properly with these tips

If youPlanting herbs in the gardenIf you want to do this, spring and autumn are the best times. There are many different types. The classic variant is round and has smooth, green or red leaves. But there are also those that grow rather flat. Some delight the eye with curled leaves in blue-green or red-purple. So when you plant herbs in the garden, you can also add variety through shape and color. Some types of edible herbs are even used primarilydecorativeCultivated in the garden for specific purposes because they have impressive flowers. There are also smaller sizes. These can also be sown a little later in spring as they don't mind the heat at the beginning of summer.

Planting herbs in the garden – when is the right time to do it?

As already mentioned, you can plant the herb in the garden both in spring and at the end of summer. If you choose spring, choose an early variety andsow the seedsin early spring. You can also sow the herb six weeks before the last frost if you do so indoors or in aCold framedo. Three weeks later you can plant the seedlings in the garden. If you want a fall or winter harvest, mid-summer or late summer is best for sowing.

Planting and caring for herbs in the garden

If you want to plant the herb in the garden, it is best to find a place in the sun or partial shade. The soil should also be nutrient-rich and not form backwater. When sowing the seeds, do so in rows at a depth of just over an inch and 1 inch apart. Don't forget to thin out and leave enough space, as the herb needs a lot of space. This should be 30 to 60 cm. The distance between each row should not be less than 60 cm. The herb loves water. For this reason, it is important that the soil is always moist. Fertilizing is necessary after about half of the growing season. When removing the weeds, which is very important, you need to be careful. The roots of the herb run close to the surface of the earth.

Plant herbs in the garden and protect them from pests

As you probably know, pests and diseases are not uncommon when it comes to herbs. If you plan to plant the herb in the garden, you should be aware of this so that you can always keep an eye on it and check for pests. To prevent such problems, it is beneficial to rotate the plant regularly if possible. If you notice any disease or pests, you can wait first to see if it goes away on its own. If this is not the case, you must use medicine or pesticides. But always start with the least invasive means.

Planting herbs in the garden – the harvest

The herb takes 50 to 100 days to mature. Since the cabbage heads can crack if it gets too cold, you should not harvest them too late if possible. If you want to store them, choose a cool, damp place. This way they last longer.

Plant herbs in the garden as decoration

Herb with interesting leaves

Red cabbage from the garden

Use herb for salads and cooking