Pumpkin plants are large and have numerous leaves. The main thing about this plant is that it grows long tendrils. That's why it's so important to care for the plants if you want a bountiful harvest and larger pumpkins. Many gardeners think that the only way to keep a pumpkin vine alive is to let it grow. But that is not correct. ThePruning the plantsAlthough not required, it is recommended. Below you will discover how you should prune your pumpkin plant.
Cultivate healthy pumpkin plants
Make sure your pumpkin vines receive adequate sun, water and nutrients where they are planted - before planting and during the growing season. Mulching the pumpkin plants helps suppress weeds and retain moisture in the soil. Pumpkins require regular watering unless rainfall is sufficient to meet their water needs (about 3 cm per week). The healthy pumpkin vines bear more fruit.
Before we dive into when and how to prune your squash plant, there are a few things you should know about its growth habits. The main vine is this one that hangs directly from the roots and grows out of the ground. It is the thickest you will see when inspecting your plant. Secondary tendrils called “runners” grow from the main vine and will form secondary roots if allowed to grow unhindered. Leaves and flowers – and therefore fruits – can grow on each of these branches. However, it is advisable to remove any tertiary runners as soon as you notice them to avoid depriving the main and secondary vines of nutrients.
Caring for and pruning pumpkin vines
Usually you don't see the tendrils right away, but they grow after the first leaves have developed. At first they look like a small, green thread. After a few weeks, the pumpkin vines will become stronger, thicker and begin to spread. During the main growing season they can even get longer every day.
Pruning pumpkin vines gives the plants enough room to grow. It also makes maintenance easier and promotes good air circulation between the leaves, whichdiseases and pestscan prevent. Pruning the pumpkin plants usually allows you to focus entirely on growing the surviving pumpkins.
Prune pumpkin plant – remove dead or diseased growth
If your pumpkins become affected by a disease or part of the plant dies, remove these parts with sharp pruning shears. Always disinfect your scissors before and after use to minimize contact with potential contaminants.
Cut off pumpkin leaves
Heavy or regular pruning of the pumpkin plants is usually not necessary. They have a spreading growth habit, and pruning the vines and especially their leaves during the growing season can result in fewer pumpkins.
Pruning to control pumpkin plants
If your squash plants are becoming unruly or you need to redirect or restrict their growth, pruning can help achieve these goals. As with removing dead or diseased growth, you should use sharp, clean pruning shears. To remove leaves,cut at the baseof the main shoot. To remove the shoot tips or to encourage the plant to put more energy into remaining fruit growth, cut the squash vines back to where the last fruit formed. Never cut back the pumpkin plants you want to save too much, otherwise they will not be able to recover.
Pumpkin pruning is harmless as long as it is done correctly. Be sure to avoid cutting them back with great force as this can minimize foliage, impairing photosynthesis and affecting the plant's health and fertility.
Cutting pumpkin plants: How to do it correctly
All you need for the cut is a pair of gardening gloves, secateurs and a tape measure. To prune the main vines, measure 3 – 4 m from the center of the plant where it emerges from the ground. If fruit is already growing at this point and you want to keep it, don't prune yet. Instead, measure about 1m behind the last healthy fruit and cut there.
However, if the fruit is soft or it is the sixth or seventh pumpkin on the plant, including those growing on the secondary stolons, cutting off the fruit can help the plant focus its energy on the other five pumpkins. This means bigger, tastier and more beautiful pumpkins for you.
To prune the runners, measure about 10 feet from where the runner branches off from the main trunk and cut it there. Because they deprive the main and secondary shoots of nutrients and energy, it is advisable to cut off runners as soon as you see them.
After cutting, bury the cut tip 3 to 4 cm deep in the soil and cover it with mulch. This will make thePlant from drying outpreserved and the penetration of pests or the occurrence of diseases is made more difficult.
If you keep the soil moist, a secondary root system should develop at the site, providing more nutrients to the growing pumpkins. Keeping the plant cared for and clean will encourage the growth of strong, healthy pumpkins.