Using secateurs correctly and cutting plants

Using pruning shears seems simple, but when you cut your plants, you can cause them harm. As a rule, this gardening work is intended to contribute to healthier and better-looking plants. The problem is that improper pruning makes the plant more susceptible to disease and can affect its structure. Here are some practical tips and common mistakes to avoid to achieve the best possible plant care with pruning shears.

When hobby gardeners mistakenly cut their plants

First of all, you should never prune your plants unless there is a purpose behind it. This could be, for example, removing dead wood orPromote growthbe. While it can be tempting to cut away more parts of the plant, actively cutting off healthy parts of a plant will only cause undue stress. Therefore, it's best to look up the pruning instructions specific to your plant variety and make sure you follow them strictly. This way, pruning only occurs at the right time of year and you don't risk cutting off future buds.

Avoid using pruning shears with dull blades

If you use your pruning shears regularly, you will notice that the quality of the cut decreases over time. This is because the cutting blade becomes a little duller with each pass. In this case, you should take the time to sharpen your pruning shears. Additionally, a sharpened blade makes a clean cut that allows the plant to heal better and faster.

Overall, this speeds up and makes things easierwell-maintained garden tools for cuttingthe cutting process and accordingly also the gardening. To sharpen pruning shears or pruning shears, all you need is a sharpening stone or metal file. However, you can also purchase tools specifically designed for this task. Also remember to tighten the blade if you feel it loosening. This in turn ensures a clean cut.

Choose the right cutting tool

Since not all pruning shears are created equal, you should use the right type when trimming your plants. This will prevent damage to the plant and the scissors. Most handheld garden tools are suitable for smaller jobs. Bypass scissors feature one blade that goes over another. This produces a clean cut and is best suited to live stems and branches. Anvil pruning shears, on the other hand, feature a blade that meets another in an anvil manner. This shreds the trunk rather than cutting through it and is designed for use on dead wood. Some loppers are also equipped with a ratchet. This divides the plant cut into several smaller steps, which takes away the power from the cuts but lengthens the process.

Use bypass pruners when cutting live branches and stems. The movement of this type of scissors leaves a clean, smooth cut that heals quickly and prevents disease. Use anvil pruners to trim dead branches and stems. Anvil pruners have better leverage for cutting hardwood branches. However, they tend to shred live wood, leaving a rough edge that takes longer to heal.

Pruning shears are designed for processing trunks and branches with a diameter of around 3 cm. Anything wider requires something more substantial, like two-handed pruning shears. If you are not sure whether you are using the right tool, you should find out what size branch is suitable for cutting. You should also make sure that the pruning shears fit the size of your hand. If you are left-handed, you must use the appropriate scissors.

First clean the secateurs and then cut the plants

Pruning plants with dirty blades is also a common mistake. Many gardeners have themselves to blame. It's all too common to see a pair of pruning shears covered in dirt and sap. But the fact is that cleaning the blades of your pruning shears is essential. This should be done not just between editing sessions, but between each edit. This may sound like an exaggeration, but if you don't do it, the blades can potentially spread diseases to your plants while cutting. If you repeat this multiple times, you will cause more damage to your garden.

To disinfect the blades, all you need to do is wipe them with a cloth soaked in denatured alcohol. Hold the cloth in one hand to wipe the blades between each cut. Also remember to do the same before storing the scissors for next use. You should also remove any resin or dirt that could rust or block the hinge before storing your scissors. The blades can be wiped clean either with a little mineral oil or simply by using some WD-40. This means your secateurs will last much longer if you take the time to do so.

Prevent excessive pruning in the garden

While some shrubs can be cut back by a significant amount and recover in leaps and bounds, such as thePruning Hydrangeas, not all plants tolerate such pruning. Remember that the plant needs to heal after every cut you make and will be susceptible to disease during this time. So if you prune too much at once, it can become overly stressed and much more vulnerable to weather conditions than necessary.

Some plants and trees may even take years to recover, if at all. Split your pruning into multiple sessions to avoid this and give the plant a chance to regenerate in between. Also check the pruning instructions for your plant type. Even if it can tolerate harsh pruning, pruning may only be recommended at certain times of the year.

Regular plant care

Although pruning may sound like you are causing unnecessary damage to your plants, it is still a very important task. Pruning the right amount will encourage better growth and more flowers. By also removing all traces of dead wood, you will give the plant better air circulation, which will prevent mold growth. The plant also looks better after pruning, so it's worth working on it regularly. It's best to try to remind yourself when your plants need pruning and don't put it off. If your time is limited, you can always hire a professional or a friend to step in and help.