Mulch is a good way to keep soil moist, prevent weeds and protect plants from extreme temperatures. It also gives your trees, garden and beds a beautiful, well-maintained look. How can you make mulch yourself?
Why is mulch so important in the garden? Beneficial garden animals such as earthworms can thrive in an organic mulch environment, and the decomposition process of the mulch returns nutrients to the soil. Mulch can be made from yard waste that would otherwise be thrown away. If you want to save money and protect the environment, mulch in the spring or fall using one of these methods.
Make your own mulch – tips
Mulch is very important for your plants, which is why many homeowners want to learn how to make mulch at home. Mulch often refers to wood chips that are purchased in bulk from a hardware store. However, it is possible to learn the necessary steps to make mulch yourself. You can make different types of mulch yourself. You already have most of what you need in your garden, making this an easy, cheap and worthwhile DIY project.
What are the benefits of making your own mulch?
Learn how to make mulch that will benefit your garden and its shrubs, flowers and vegetables by keeping the soil moist and nutrient-rich. When you make your own mulch, you have full control over your plants' nutrient supply. Plus, making your own mulch allows you to reduce and reuse garden and food waste, helping you save money on mulch. Almost everyone appreciates getting more for less money.
Make your own mulch with wood chips
Wet leaves and heavy branches resulting from tree pruning can mean a trip to the landfill, but can also be a reason to get out the wood chipper and use organic mulchthe gardenTo make: Homemade wood chips are better than purchased mulch.
Commercially available wood mulch, also known as bark mulch, is processed in a factory to a uniform size and chemical composition. Mulch made from natural materials is usually a combination of leaves, bark and wood chips from various trees. Mulching materials add diversity to the soil as different sizes and types break down at different rates. Plants grown in soil rich in microorganisms have been proven to be healthier and more resistant to disease.
Use foliage
You can use garden waste that comes from pruning trees to make leaf mulch. You also have to chop these up. A lawn mower or hedge trimmer works well for this purpose. The foliage should be raked into a pile no deeper than 2 inches. To make leaf mulching easier, start the lawn mower and go over the pile a few times. If you use hedge trimmers, cut the foliage into pieces that are small. The foliage can be used with handmade wood mulch, grass clippings or alone.
Grass clippings as mulch
If you're going to use grass clippings as mulch, you'll want to make sure your grass hasn't been treated with harmful chemicals. Wet or damp grass should never be used as mulch as it hinders oxygen penetration. Gardening experts recommend drying the clippings in the sun for a week. Afterwards it is a little brown and feels flabby. Spread the clippings in a 3 cm layer over the soil surface.
Once the compost has reached the right consistency for your garden, the unpleasant smell should have largely disappeared. Simply cover the roots of your trees with about 5 to 10 cm of compost and that's it!
Also read:Use leaves and green waste in the garden practically and ecologically
Mulch with straw
You can use straw to protect your soil from the first frost andyour vegetable gardento keep moist. It can be used as mulch without any special preparation. Mulch can be made from any bale of straw.
- Just do the following:
First get a bale of straw, do not use hay as hay is usually filled with seeds. Then place the straw around the areas to be mulched: you needa layer of mulchfrom about 15 to 20 cm.
Mulch can be made from 4 to 8 pages of newspaper. The newspaper should be torn a little when brought into the garden so that the newspaper clippings can be wrapped around the base of the plant. Moisten the soil before placing the leaves on top to keep them in place. You can do this quickly and easily by running a hose or watering can over the bedding. Cover them with a moist layer of grass clippings, straw or compost.
Make your own mulch with cardboard
Weed control and water conservation can be achieved with cardboard. Additionally, due to its wooden construction, the cardboard can rot over time and release valuable nutrients into the soil.
- How to Turn Cardboard into Mulch:
Soak the floor well before applying the cardboard. Then place the cardboard on the ground or grass. To prevent weeds from growing through, overlap the cardboard by 4 to 6 inches. After soaking the cardboard with a hose, cover it with a layer (5 – 10 cm) of wood mulch and compost.
Also read:What is there to do in the garden in December? 10 important gardening tasks for the winter time