Fertilize geraniums – how often and with what fertilizer? With the right care, pelargoniums bloom profusely

Geraniums are probably one of the most popular balcony plants and in summer they enchant with their lush flowers. To ensure that the pelargoniums please the eye for as long as possible, proper care is crucial. Today we will explain when, how often and with what fertilizer you can fertilize the geraniums so that they thrive and reward you with magnificent flowers.

When do geraniums need fertilizer?

Spring is in full swing and soon it will be that time againBringing geraniums outdoors. The ideal time for this is from mid-May, after the so-called Ice Saints. After that, the danger of frost is over and the summer flowers can decorate our balconies and terraces.

Pelargoniums are generally considered undemanding, but are heavy feeders, which is why they need plenty of nutrients. Especially as a pot plant, the geranium requires frequent fertilization so that it thrives and blooms profusely.

Both when planting and when repotting (for example in springafter overwintering) you should give the geraniums a slow-release fertilizer. For this you can either use special geranium soil that is already enriched with the necessary nutrients, or add mature compost with horn shavings to your normal potting soil.

How often should you fertilize geraniums?

Geraniums, especially potted plants planted in a nutrient-rich soil mix, generally have low fertilizer requirements. However, if you want your plants to bloom all season long, you should provide them with a good fertilizer. The following applies: it is better to fertilize weaker and more often than stronger and less often.

The potted pelargoniums can be fertilized again about four weeks after planting. This is a maintenance fertilization that is repeated every one to two weeks. Be careful not to overdo it with fertilizing. Otherwise your plants may suffer.

Starting in September, fertilizer application can be reduced to once every one or two months. While the plants are in winter quarters, fertilization is completely stopped.

Which fertilizer is suitable?

When choosing the right fertilizer for geraniums, you can choose between organic and mineral fertilizers. Special geranium fertilizers are of course the best choice so that the pelargoniums bloom for a long time and profusely. If you stick to the dosage given, you can't go wrong.

An inexpensive liquid fertilizer for flowering plants is also a possible choice, but one should consider the NPK ratio. In order for the geraniums to give more energy to flowering, the fertilizer should contain more potassium and less nitrogen.

Fertilize geraniums with blue grain

You can also have flowering plants like geraniumsfertilize with blue grain, as long as you dose it correctly. For a good geranium fertilizer, add a tablespoon of blue grain to 10 liters of water and stir until the fertilizer completely dissolves. Then use the resulting liquid fertilizer to water the pelargoniums once a week, without overdoing it.

Home remedies as natural alternatives

Fertilize geraniums with yeast

If you want to save some money and don't want to buy fertilizer, you can make your own fertilizer for geraniums using the following ingredients.


4 liters of water
2 cubes of fresh yeast
100 grams of sugar

Place the yeast in a bowl of warm water and stir until completely dissolved, then add the sugar.

Place a kitchen towel over the container and allow the mixture to ferment. When the fermentation process is finished, the resulting solution can be used. Add the fermented solution to 10 liters of water. Water the flowers with this fertilizer every 10 days in spring or summer.

The yeast fertilizer stimulates the microorganisms in the soil, increases the carbon content in the soil and stimulates plant growth.

Eggshells are a good, organic fertilizer

Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium that nourishes the soil and promotes the growth of your perennials. Because they take a long time to decompose, chop them up as much as possible before adding them to the soil. Apparently, eggshells are rich in calcium, which is beneficial for all plants, including geraniums. Therefore, eggshells can be used to help geraniums grow more beautifully.

To do this, add the crushed eggshells to the water and let them soak in the water for up to 12 hours. Then water the geraniums with this water. Be careful not to wet the leaves and flowers when fertilizing or watering.

Are coffee grounds also suitable for geraniums?

The old coffee grounds are apopular fertilizer for the garden, which is purchased at no additional cost. Since it is not equally suitable for all plants, you wonder whether you should fertilize geraniums with it. This home remedy is ideal as a supplementary fertilizer. The nitrogen it provides contributes to soil fertility, improves soil quality and helps retain moisture. Before use, the coffee grounds must cool completely and - if they are incorporated into the substrate - dry completely.