Is your new turf turning yellow? Recognize the causes and make yellowed lawns green again!

A green lawn or new turf turns yellow when certain factors and improper lawn care affect the turf. This requires taking proper measures to prevent yellow spots on the lawn during the spring or summer seasons. In addition, each step in care should achieve a certain balance so that the grass roots become better established. This enables healthy growth and prevents future problems. Below are some tips in this regard that can help you do this gardening job faster and safer.

A new turf turns yellow after being installed - what could be the reason?

As with other garden plants, various plant diseases or weeds can occurPests the health of the lawnaffect. There are also other causes that could lead to yellowing, such as nitrogen deficiency, underwatering or overwatering, and improper lawn mowing. Additionally, yellow spots often found on otherwise well-maintained lawns could be due to improper fertilization and fungal infections. Typically, new lawn suddenly exhibits yellow tips because the roots are unable to establish themselves due to the factors described above. If you mow the lawn too short even after winter, such problems can arise.

Yellow spots also appear when pets such as cats or dogs regularly urinate on lawns. Your lush green new turf will turn yellow and spotty if the new turf doesn't receive proper care both during installation and afterwards. All of this can be prevented by taking timely steps, but you should first find out what exactly led to it. By identifying the most commonCauses of yellowed lawnsPrevent any discoloration of the turf before planting.

Newly laid lawn turns yellow due to incorrect watering

It is also important before layingPreparing the ground for future turf. In this step you should completely remove any existing sod and level the garden soil. It is also advisable to test the pH value of the soil and improve the soil conditions if necessary. Once you have established your lawn, the next step is to provide it with the right amount of water. Typically, sod needs at least one to three inches of water weekly when the weather is hot and dry.

Irrigate inadequately and your new turf will turn yellow, rendering all your previous efforts and investments in vain. It is important to ensure that water reaches the grass roots deeply and evenly when you sprinkle turf even lightly. By doing this, you allow them to absorb all the moisture they need and produce chlorophyll to stay green. On the other hand, overwatering the turf can be an equally disruptive factor. This is because the grass roots and blades are affected by waterLawn muddymake and tend to rot. If the tips of the lawn are yellowing and have plump, mushy leaves, you are most likely overwatering. This makes it difficult for grass roots to establish and slows growth.

A new turf turns yellow if it is mown or trimmed too short

If you want to achieve a lush green color on your lawn, it is important to mow the turf at the right height. A general rule of thumb is to mow or trim the turf when it is about a third higher than recommended. To better assess this, you should also consider the manufacturer's instructions depending on the type of grass. In addition, there are specific mowing depth guidelines for each type of grass that you can follow. It is best to try to shorten a maximum of a third of the blade of grass.

If you mow the lawn too short, the remaining turf will be slower to recover and will begin to turn yellow rather than green. A healthy new turf turns yellow immediately after mowing and this indicates that you have probably cut off too much grass. While doing this, also make sure that your lawnmower's blades are well sharpened to shred rather than cut the mowed grass.

Prevent yellowing of lawn caused by pet urine stains

Dog or cat urine can also cause yellowing spots in the lawn. The nitrogen it contains can burn the turf and cause it to yellow. Therefore, try to keep your pets away from the newly laid lawn until the grass recovers. In common pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits, the urine is concentrated, which causes burns when it comes into contact with grass. To avoid the risk of yellow spots on the lawn, do not allow animals to urinate outdoors unattended.

Your new turf turns yellow due to a lack of nutrients or over-fertilization

Proper fertilization gives the new turf the nutrients it needs to stay green. However, it should also be noted that newly laid turf does not require fertilizer in the first three weeks. Even if lawn fertilizers are intended for new lawns, it is advisable to only use soil improvers. Only then can you try to prevent a nutrient deficiency by fertilizing your lawn. Using more than the required amount of chemical fertilizer without dilution will burn the grass and turn it yellow. Using liquid fertilizer during dormancy or more than once a month also increases the risk of yellowing.

Keep pests away and properly treat fungal infections in the lawn

Certain pests such as grubs or beetle larvae can also affect the health of the lawn. If your sod is already yellowing, if you suspect a pest infestation, you should check whether this is actually the case. Lift a section of the turf to see if larvae are present and take necessary pest control measures if necessary.

If the lawn turns yellow due to a fungal disease, an immediate and timely response is just as important. A fungal infection can be diagnosed, for example, by the swollen leaf blades, the brown edges and the resulting smell. You can then make your lawn green again by using fungicides or home remediesagainst fungi in the lawnuse to eliminate the cause of the problem.