Admittedly, an infestation is a real challenge for every plant. The oleander also often has to fight pests. Fast action is required at the first sign of an infestation. Otherwise, the plant can wither, lose leaves and, in the worst case, even die. Which oleander pests are particularly dangerous and how can you combat them with simple home remedies - we take a close look at the questions and explain what they can do about spinning mites, scale insects and Co.
Oleander pests: What can you do about scale insects?
Schildläus is one of the most dangerous pests for the oleander. They are tiny and you can hardly see them with the naked eye. The female specimens can take up to 2000 eggs a year. So the pests spread very quickly. In the event of an infestation, the thousands of scale insects absorb the nutrients from the plant and release toxins that additionally develop the oleander.
The scale insects can affect the exotic in every season. When he as aHouse plant is pulled, then you should regularly check it for signs of an infestation in the winter months. But also in spring and summer an infestation is quite possible if the oleander is placed on the balcony or terrace.
Signs of a scale insert
Signs of an infestation include: crippled, rolled -up, dried leaves, crusted stems and drives that are covered with a sticky substance. This sticky substance offers the best prerequisite for the spread of various fungal diseases. In the event of a fungal attack, you should therefore also check the oleander for scale insects. Plants that are over -fertilized or overlooked are particularly susceptible to scale insects.
What can you do in the event of an infestation? In the event of a slight infestation of above -ground plant parts, with the exception of the leaves, rub with tea tree oil. With a strong infestation, 10 ml of liquid core soap with 10 ml of alcohol in a ratio and 600 ml of water in a spray bottle, stir well and first test it on a plant sheet. Some oleanders are sensitive to core soap and alcohol can burn the leaves.
What can you do about spider mites at Oleander?
If the oleander is pulled as a houseplant, then you should pay attention to the humidity. Especially in summer, when the air is very dry, it is particularly susceptible to spider mites. These are tiny and hide on the underside of the leaves. Even if the untrained eye cannot recognize the pests, the infestation is recognized by the first silvery and then brown leaves. They dry out and drop.
Fight the spider mites with home remedies
A possibleSolution in spider mite infestation offer home remediesand natural products with rapeseed oil. But you can also pour the plants vigorously and wet all the above -ground plant parts and then wrap it with packaging film. The high humidity will kill the spider mites in the next 14 days.
Oleander pests: aphids can also affect the exotic
Leaf lice can also affect the oleander. However, they are larger than the spider mites and the scale insects and can be easily recognized with the naked eye. The color of the aphids can vary greatly, depending on how old the insects are and in which development phase they are. Basically, the freshly hatched aphids are white, the older ones - yellow, brown or black.
Leafing lice can do great damageserve. So if the oleander suddenly starts to wither, then you should check the leaf underside on aphids. Even if the oleander is ill, even then you should search for signs of an infestation.
Home remedies for aphids
In this case, act quickly, because aphids can weaken the oleander. You can bring smaller plants directly into the shower and rinse. You can also bring the Oleander outside. There the aphids have natural enemies such as gall mosquitoes or slip of slip. The pests also eat ladybugs.
Otherwise you can also use other home remedies for aphids. Rapeseed oil proves to be a very effective variant. AlsoLubrication soap can helpto get rid of the pests.
Oleander pests: prevent an infestation
To prevent pest infestation, they regularly ventilate the room. Never put the oleander in a corner. If the location does not fit it, it does not contain enough nutrients over the floor or if it has to hold out longer dry periods, the oleander is stressed. Solvious plants are definitely more susceptible to pests and diseases. So the best prevention is actually to ensure that the exotic feels comfortable and grows well. In addition, you should always put new houseplants in another room in the house in order to avoid any spread of pests.