Soap against aphids is a real miracle cure

Various remedies can be used to combat annoying aphids in the garden. The extent to which these work may be controversial, but there is a certain home remedy that can really work wonders. Here we're talking about good old soap. In today's article, we'll reveal how to use soap against aphids to combat the pests!

How does soap work against pests on plants?

Nobody likes pests in the garden. They deprive hobby gardeners of their harvest in the kitchen garden and can see the beauty of the plants in the ornamental garden. Of thenumerous home remedies that help against aphids, the soap has proven to be one of the best. But how does it really work?

The soap is first mixed with water to form a solution. The infected plants are sprayed with this solution so that a kind of fine film is created over the pests, which suffocates them. If the soap used for this is neutral and organic, the plants will not be damaged.

Are my plants infected with aphids?There are some clear features thatindicate an aphid infestation. If the leaves curl, have a sticky coating and the buds fall off, then aphids are the culprit.

Which soap for aphids?

Can you use any soap to get rid of annoying pests? In principle yes, but we advise against using commercially available soap or detergent. The reason for this is that the plants can be damaged by the chemical agents and microplastics they contain. If you want to fight aphids naturally, use curd or soft soap instead.

Green soap against aphids

Soft soap (also known as green soap) is a natural product that consists of vegetable or animal fats mixed with potassium hydroxide solution. Green soap usually contains no fragrances or allergens and is therefore a biological agent. It is completely safe for use in the garden and has also proven to be extremely effective against annoying aphids.

Get rid of bugs with curd soap

Curd soap can also be used effectively against pests. In contrast to soft soap, it is more solid and consists of sodium salts of saponified fats. How to use the home remedy against aphids, read below.

Make your own anti-aphid spray with soft soap

An aphid infestation in the garden is the nightmare of many hobby gardeners. But if you act quickly, the problem can be solved. This is where soft soap comes to the rescue. Aeffective spray against aphidsYou can easily mix the miracle cure yourself. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • 50 g neutral soft soap
  • 1 liter of warm water
  • empty spray bottle

Pour the warm water into a suitable container and dissolve the green soap in it. Allow the soap solution to cool and then pour it into the spray bottle. It does not need to be diluted before use. Use anti-aphid spray to spray infected plants in your garden.

Spray generously on the lice, paying particular attention to the areas under leaves and between shoot axes. These places are the most common hiding places for these pests. You should not wipe the soap solution or remove it with water for it to work.

How often do you use soft soap against aphids?

Until you get rid of the pests completely, you can use this home remedy weekly. If the infestation is very intense, more frequent use is possible.

Even more effective: soapy water with alcohol against pests and diseases

For an even more effective treatment for aphids on your plants, you can add alcohol to the soap solution. Two teaspoons of alcohol are enough to combat even stubborn pests such as bloodlice, mealy bugs and scale insects. This stronger solution can also be used against some plant diseases, such as:Powdery mildew.

Curd soap against lice – this is how you use it

In addition to soft soap, natural curd soap is also a good remedy against aphids. The application is not much different than soft soap - you make a solution and spray it on the affected plants.

Since curd soap is solid, you first have to grate it with a kitchen plane and then pour hot water over it. Then stir well until a liquid soap solution is formed. Allow the aphid water and soap liquid to cool before pouring it into a spray bottle. Use it to wet the parts of the plants that are infested to get rid of the pests.

Besides soap: what else helps against aphids?

There are also other natural remedies and methods to eliminate pests from your plants. To theThe most well-known home remedies include milk, rapeseed oil and even coffee grounds. You can try these out safely because they won't harm your plants. Alternatively, you can alsoattract certain beneficial insects to your garden, which eat the tiny pests and thus fight them.