Rapeseed oil against aphids (including recipe for spray): Why this home remedy quickly helps to combat the pests

In winter they spread in the container garden in the greenhouse, and from mid-May the aphids also attack the garden plants. If preventative measures fail, then it is time to combat the pests. But how? Insecticides are often harmful not only to the insects, but also to people and pets. Another option is to use a home remedy. In today's post we will explain to you how you can use rapeseed oil against aphids.

Fighting aphids: Here's how to do it

So that you can fight aphids successfully, you should know a few things about their lifestyle. The first two-three generations of aphids have no wings and remain on the host plant for life, where they feed and lay their eggs. Only in the middle of summer or at the end of summer do aphids hatch with flies, which then quickly become othersPlants affected. So if you spray the plants in spring or early summer, you can only treat the affected specimens. In late summer and autumn you should also treat the neighboring plants. For houseplants and plants in the greenhouse or winter garden, it is best to spray all specimens that are within a one meter radius.

MostHome remedies for pestshave a limited effect and can only reduce the infestation. In contrast, milk and rapeseed oil have proven to be effective against insects. They have a similar effect and form a film that envelops the aphids. The insects cannot breathe and die. Rapeseed oil can not only help against aphids, but also against their eggs.

Make your own rapeseed oil mixture against aphids

However, rapeseed oil is very thick and cannot be sprayed. So the first thing you need to do is dilute it with water. Fill 50 ml of rapeseed oil and 10 ml of soft soap (without bleach) into an empty and clean jam jar with a screw lid. Then shake the glass vigorously so that the ingredients combine well with each other. You can store this mixture in an airtight container for about three months. Thanks to the soft soap, the mixture stays on the plants significantly longer.

Prepare spray with rapeseed oil and soft soap

Before each use you must dilute the mixture. To do this, fill 1 liter of lukewarm water into a spray bottle and add 1 tbsp of the mixture. Shake vigorously again and then use immediately after preparation.

  • The spray prevents the formation of a special protective layer that protects the plants from the strong rays of the sun. However, this effect is temporary. After one to two days, the plants begin to form the protective layer again. In the meantime, however, they are very sensitive and can burn quickly under direct sunlight.
  • To prevent this, place the containers and pots in a shady spot in the garden after spraying them with the home remedy.
  • The best time to spray garden plants is late in the afternoon. Under no circumstances should you spray the plants on a hot, sunny day as they will burn, dry out and die.
  • Carefully spray all above-ground parts of the plant, including above and below the leaves. Wet the plants well.
  • The home remedy is not harmful to people or animals. You therefore do not need any protective clothing.
  • Young plants can react sensitively to rapeseed oil. In this case, you can treat the pests with another home remedy.

Spray the aphids several times within a week so that you can also see the newly hatched onesFight pestscan. If the infestation is severe, you should repeat the process every two weeks. For a light infestation, it is enough to spray the plants two or three times. As a preventative measure, you can spray the plants once a week.

Preventing aphids: This is what you should keep in mind

After treatment, it is very important to prevent further infestation. You can do this by relocating the plants in the garden. Try to plant as many different species as possible in one bed.Beneficial insects can also helpto prevent a second infestation. Also try to strengthen the plants with fertilizers. Weak, diseased shoots and stems are susceptible to pests and diseases.

Aphids are one of the most common pests in the home garden. However, the infestation is difficult to detect in the first week. Curled, dried leaves and eggs on the lower side of the leaves are a sure sign of an infestation. If you check your house and garden plants regularly, you can act quickly. If you always have a home remedy at hand, you can fight aphids quickly and easily.