How to build Ollas yourself for garden and potted plants? Irrigation can be so cost-effective and water-saving!

Every gardener knows that watering plants during the growing season can be one of the biggest challenges in gardening. Especially in hot weather in summer. You often have to water daily. It takes time and watering may be tedious. However, normal garden irrigation is not water efficient because much of the water released by sprinklers is lost through evaporation and runoff. But when you use Ollas in the garden, things are completely different. They are so beneficial and easy to use that any garden can benefit from them. Of course you can buy Ollas, but why not build Ollas yourself? It's very simple and inexpensive. Read on to learn how to achieve irrigation that can save you money and time.

What is Olla's Irrigation?

It's actually a simple system that consists of terracotta clay pots that you fill with water and bury in the ground. The clay pots are placed in the ground at the same height where the roots of the plants grow. The water inside the pot penetrates through the pot walls and moistens the surrounding soil. When the plant roots are nearby, they grow up to the pot and can benefit from this source of moisture.

Advantages of the Ollas irrigation system in the garden

During hot, dry summers, plants' water needs can increase because water on leaves and soil evaporates more quickly before it can nourish the plants. Using Ollas is a simple, low maintenance way to keep your garden efficient and efficient without daily monitoringto water automatically. As already mentioned, ollas are water efficient and this is very important for a sustainable garden.

Instead of watering the surface of the soil, like with regular watering, the water goes directly to the roots where the plant needs it. This is about constant deep watering. Because the surface of the soil is dry, there is less competition from weeds.

You can make ollas yourself from inexpensive terracotta pots and you don't need electricity. It is a simpler and potentially more cost-effective irrigation system than a drip irrigation system. We believe these advantages are enough to convince you to build Olla's irrigation system yourself.

What do you need to do it yourself?

There are simple materials and accessories that you need to create Olla's watering system in your own garden. Ollas can be used for years and provide your plants with constant water. What could be better for a garden! Here are the materials and supplies needed:

  • Spade for burying the Olla in the ground
  • Unglazed terracotta plant pot, the bigger the better
  • Coaster that fits as a lid
  • Material for sealing the drainage hole in the plant pot such as cork

Build Ollas yourself: step-by-step instructions

  • Use a terracotta plant pot that can hold at least a liter of water, the larger the better. It is important to note that you only use unglazed pots, otherwise the water cannot penetrate the soil.
  • Fill the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot to prevent water from entering. You can use different materials such as cork or even fill the hole with concrete. Concrete is a permanent solution.
  • The Olla pot should be buried deep enough so that water reaches directly to the plant roots. Bury the pot about 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) away from where you will plant awant to grow a plant. The neck of the pot must be above the surface of the soil.
  • Then fill the pot with water and place a lid on the DIY Olla to reduce surface evaporation. Make sure the olla is large enough to accommodate the plant's root system. For plants with larger root systems, you will need larger pots.
  • Plant your plants near the olla and keep the olla refilled all the time so that the plant senses the water source.
  • You can add water-soluble fertilizer to the olla, which will be transported to the plant with the water. This is an efficient and less labor-intensive way to feed plants.

You can also make a double pot olla
You need two pots of the same size. You need to close the opening of a pot. Glue both pots together using silicone glue. Once the glue has set and there are no leaks, dig a hole in the ground large enough to accommodate the two connected pots. The open hole should be slightly above ground level to prevent soil from getting into the pots. Use the open hole to fill the DIY Olla with water.

Which plants in the garden can you use Ollas for?

Ollas are very suitable for most types of plants in the garden if you stick them close to the root systems. You can water vegetables, herbs and flowers with Ollas. They are not suitable for long rows of plants such as carrots, potatoes, leeks, onions or garlic, but they are perfect for burying next to individual plants that bear fruit repeatedly throughout the growing season, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, Paprika.

Can you use Ollas on potted plants?

The answer is: yes! Potted plants generally need to be watered more frequently than ground plants; in mid-summer you will often need to water every day. Regular watering through Olla irrigation canfor your potted plantsadvantageously yours. With Ollas you avoid the risk of leaving your plants overwatered or underwatered. This is how you ensure regular watering for your plants and they thrive happily.