Cutting pampas grass in February: clean it out, cut it back or neither?

Some need their pruning now in late winter or spring, while others just need to be cleaned out. It's easy to lose track of things. Different techniques and dates are also common for grasses depending on the species. What about pampas grasses? Should you cut pampas grass now in February?

Photo: Walter Erhardt/Shutterstock

When is pampas grass cut and how exactly do you do it?

Do you have to cut pampas grass in February or not?

Photo: Irina Borsucheko/Shutterstock

In general, cuts are not absolutely necessary for this grass. Nevertheless, gardeners decide on this measure because then the lush clump simply looks more well-groomed and beautiful and the new growth also becomes stronger and more lush without disturbing old parts of the plant.

The cut then takes place in spring. If you were to carry out this care measure in autumn, you risk damaging the plant. Water can collect in the hollow stalks. If it freezes before it has evaporated again (and the probability is very high at this time of year), the stalk will also freeze and the ornamental grass will be damaged.

That's why you should cut the ornamental grass during the new season. The big question is in which months and what type of cut exactly. Is February perhaps too early?

Photo: Hecos/Shutterstock

Advantages of spring pruning:

  • You avoid damage to the plant caused by the winter cold and humidity.
  • The old stalks do not disturb the new growth. Sufficient light can reach the fresh green.

When is the right time?

What we explained above about cutting in autumn should answer the question of whether you can cut pampas grass in February. We are still in late winter and periods of frost are still far too common. As you know, this also applies to the first weeks of spring. For this reason it is still nownotthe right time.

The beginning of spring is more suitable, when severe and persistent frosts are no longer the order of the day. You can start cutting your ornamental grass in March at the earliest, or even better in April. If you can't make it in these months, you still have until May. Then really!

Foto: crystaldream/ Shutterstock

The best guide:When the plant begins to sprout, the right cutting time is approaching. Wait until the new shoots have reached a length of 10 to 15 centimeters and you can get started.

BUT:Depending on the weather conditions of the previous winter, the grass can sprout very late and not until May. If this is too late for you and you want to combine the task with other pruning measures in the garden, you don't have to wait that long.

Is your grass not sprouting?That could be the reason.

Radical pruning or just a beauty trim?

Should you cut back pampas grass completely? Well, it depends on what condition the plant is in.

How do you cut back pampas grass?

Photo: Joe Quiz/ Shutterstock

Before we move on to the tips, we would like to point out that the leaves are quite spicy. For this reason, you should wear gloves when carrying out any work on the ornamental grass. Long clothing and safety glasses are also recommended.

  • In general, you should just clean out the ornamental grass.
  • Look at the luscious bundle. Are there any green stalks left?
  • If so, it is best to only remove the dry, dead blades of grass and former flowers.
  • If all of the above-ground parts of the plant have dried up over the winter, you can also prune more radically.
  • Orient yourself to the new shoots. The old ones are trimmed to the same height. It is important to have fresh pampas grass shootsnotalso to be trimmed.
  • If you cut before the new shoots appear, you can simply cut the stalks close to the ground (about two hand's width).

Do the same rules apply to potted plants?

Yes, you cut pampas grass in a container according to the same rules. Since the plant is only partially hardy in a pot, you should have provided it with winter protection at the beginning of winter, which you can remove at the end of the frost periods. Then shorten the ornamental grass to two hand's width or, as with the outdoor plant, only remove the dried stems and leave the green ones.

How to properly overwinter the ornamental grassfind out here.

Proper care after cutting

Foto: Erman Gunes/ Shutterstock

Now provide the plant with a portion of nutrients that will support it in the coming sprouts. This way it recovers more quickly from the winter and gathers strength for new growth.

What you can do with the cut frondsfind out here.