One of the most common diseases affecting fruit trees is the so-called curl disease. As the name suggests, it shows itself by the leaves curling together. What is curl disease on fruit trees, how can you prevent it or treat an infestation? We'll show you how to recognize leaf curl disease on the peach tree and what you can do about it as soon as you notice that the peach leaves are curling.
Peach leaves curl: When the fruit tree suffers from curl disease
Why do the leaves of the peach and later the fruits of the fruit tree curl?What causes this growth problem? This is a fungal disease, and it is a very stubborn fungus. Although it is not difficult to combat, anyone who thinks that the cold winter will be the solution to the problem is wrong. The Taphrina deformans, as the fungus is called, overwinters without any problems on the shoots, scales of the buds and also on the tree bark. You actnotin time, it causes damage every year. In addition to peaches, nectarines, apricots and plums are most often affected.
How do you recognize leaf disease?
The peach leaves curl, not only have we already mentioned this, but you've probably noticed it too. But there are also other signs: sometimes the leaves turn red or yellowish-white. It is not uncommon for the tree leaves to dry out and then fall off. The peach tree then forms new shoots with leaves that appear to be healthy again. This is also eanother reason many believe the infection may have passed on its own. But appearances are deceptive, because the problem repeats itself the following year.
Peach leaves curl: when will the disease break out (again)?
It's not just the means you use that's important to combat, but also the timing. In winter the fungus goes dormant due to the cold. However, if the temperatures rise again, its time comes and it infects the peach tree again. Since 10 degrees above freezing is sufficient for this, this happens quite early in the year. Infection occurs through the buds as soon as they swell and moisture such as rain washes the spores into these sensitive parts of the plant.
So it's important to get ahead of this. It is worth treating the trees at the end of January if you know about the tree fungus from the previous year. You should act at the latest shortly before the buds open. This is also a good idea as a preventive measure. You can buy a spray against peach curl or make your own and spray regularly over a longer period of time. In any case, the anti-frizz treatment should be organic and harmless. For example, copper is very effective and popular in combating peach curl disease.
The peach leaves are curling and you want to do something?Here you will find a few suitable onesHome remedies for frizz disease.
What else should you do if the peach tree leaves suffer from curl disease?
Treating peach curl disease with sprays is the better option for winter or spring. However, if you have already noticed an infection on your trees, you should not wait until then, but rather take the first step to combat it and that is cutting off infected shoots. You then dispose of these branches in household waste (never in the compost) in order to reduce the amount of spores that could then overwinter on the tree. In the coming year, you will still have to use sprays, because removing diseased shoots alone is by no means enough.
To make curled leaves on the peach tree a thing of the past and actually stay there, you can do a fewpreventive measurestake action to protect your fruit tree. The following care measures are important against peach curl disease:
- If the tree is already standing, this is an inappropriate measure, but at least for all future peach trees you should know: Like every fungus, this one also likes moisture.The locationcan greatly influence the humidity of the environment. So make sure you choose a location that is well ventilated (without drafts). This means, for example, avoiding areas in front of walls and walls. This allows the tree to dry more quickly after rain or dew and makes it more uncomfortable for the fungus.
- Regular cutsfor thinning also enable better ventilation within the tree crown and should not be neglected for the same reasons. If the branches and twigs grow too densely, moisture will build up inside.
- The following applies to all diseases and pests: the stronger the plant, the less susceptible it is. Therefore, do not neglect themNutrient supplyand it is best to use organic slow-release fertilizer for this purpose in order to reduce the frequency of administration and save time.
- Check up regularlyPests, which can transmit the spores from other infected plants to your peach tree. Aphids in particular are known to transmit germs and should be avoided if possiblefought quicklybecome.
Not to be confused with the peach louse
The peach tree leaves curl up when they are infected with the so-called green peach louse. Visually, this is very reminiscent of the frizz disease. So before you resort to remedies to combat curl disease on peaches, you should be on the safe side and take a closer look at the leaves. The lice can not only cause the leaves to dry out, but can also transmit viruses. That's why you should act quickly in this case and spray the peach, but with suitable means.