The petunias provide a splendid bloom from April to Octoberon the balconyand in the garden. Their two-tone, double flowers are guaranteed to attract attention. In its native country, petunia is a perennial plant. In Germany it is mainly grown as an annual plant. However, some varieties can survive the winter well with proper care. In today's post we will explain how you can overwinter your petunias.
Overwintering petunias: Can the flowers tolerate frost?
The petunia is onetropical flower, which is widespread in South America. There are now numerous breeds that also feel at home in Central Europe. However, in this country they are mostly offered as annual plants. This is because the petunia cannot tolerate frost. Nevertheless, there are also variants that use the flowerto bring winter. Basically, you should stop fertilizing the flowers from the beginning of autumn.
Sow petunias and bring the seeds through the winter
You have two options: You can store the seeds in a dry and cool place and then plant them in pots and boxes in the spring, around mid-March. For this purpose, fill a bucket up to the middle with potting soil, mix the seeds with quartz sand and scatter them on the substrate. The seeds need lots of sunlight and warmth to germinate. A sunny windowsill offers the best conditions. The petunias are then pricked out and allowed to go outdoors after the Ice Saints. Then the weather is so warm that the young plants quickly produce flowers and, if cared for properly, will bloom until the end of October. If you decide on this option, you should know that the young plants can differ visually from their parents. This means you should not expect to get the same color or colors.
Overwintering petunias: The flower tolerates pruning
If you have the wholeOverwinter flowerIf you want to, then you should start preparing in late summer. The petunias are fertilized once a week in summer. Stop doing this in September and stop regular fertilization. Pruning can then take place in mid-September. Make sure to cut off the shoots just before the woody part. Under no circumstances should you prune the petunia too vigorously, as parts of the plant that are completely woody will not sprout again in spring. Shorten all shoots to around 20 cm. Pruning should be done no later than mid-September, before the first frost. From the beginning of October you can bring the potted plants into their winter quarters. The petunia can be overwintered in a cool but bright place.
The room temperature should vary between 5° and 10° Celsius. Glass houses, garden houses with windows, winter gardens and unheated rooms in the apartment are well suited. The humidity in the room should not exceed 60%. Excessive humidity makes the plant susceptible to pests. But the petunia does not tolerate dry air either. During winter dormancy, the flower can survive without fertilizer. However, she needs water regularly. First, check whether the soil is still moist and water the petunia as needed. If you overwinter the flower with other flowers and plants, you should also check it for pests at least once a week.
Overwintering petunias: care in spring
In spring you should give your petunias a second pruning. This promotes growth and sprouting. From the end of March you can place the plant in a sunny place outdoors for several hours. However, since it is very sensitive to frost, you should bring it back indoors overnight. Repot the flower, fertilize it and water it generously before moving it outside in late May. She can then stay outside in summer and autumn. In midsummer you can collect the seeds and grow the plant yourself. For this purpose, you should stop cutting off the withered flowers from the end of June. Instead, check all flowers for brown capsules - they carry the seeds. Carefully remove the capsules, line a sunny windowsill with newspaper and leave the capsules there for 2-3 days. After several days they will open and you can collect the seeds. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place.
Tip: Not all varieties are suitable for overwintering and propagating. Therefore, ask at the garden center which variety you should choose.
When is it pointless to overwinter petunias?
It is not always possible to overwinter petunias. Certain varieties are annuals and, even if they survive the winter, will produce few new shoots and flowers the next year. Even if you replant the flower boxes every year, it makes no sense to overwinter petunias and then look for suitable plant partners in spring.