Caring for your lawn in spring: Tips for the first cut and fertilization after winter!

A beautiful lawn that matches the other parts of the garden makes the garden whole and makes it look amazing. The easiest way to invest a little time and effort into getting the grass into shape is to set up a spring lawn care program. This includes mowing the lawn, providing lawn fertilizer and removing bare spots, unsightly weeds and moss. A simple spring lawn care routine will ensure a lawn you can be proud of, stay in pristine condition, and make your friends and neighbors green with envy so they look to you as their first stop for gardening tips. We'll tell you below how you should care for your lawn in spring!

When the grass starts to grow, this is a good time to feed and care for the lawn, remove moss,to eliminate weedsand start mowing. Now is also the best time to sow new lawns.

Use caution when mowing the lawn in the spring

In the spring months, when temperatures rise, grass begins to grow faster. However, if the ground is very wet or there is frost or snow on the ground, you should not mow the lawn.At the first cuts of the seasonyou should be careful. To do this, set the mower blades to the highest setting and cut off the upper third of the growth. Try not to make quick cuts this time of year and instead focus on improving your overall performance.

Allow the grass to recover for a few days and then mow it again, adjusting the blade height to a lower position. At this time of year, the lawn needs to be mowed no more than once or twice every two weeks. Cutting the grass too short increases the risk of drought stress. If you cut your grass too short, you expose it to excessive sunlight, which creates an ideal environment for weeds to grow. On the other hand, taller grass often has deeper roots, which increases its ability to outcompete weeds.

When is the ideal time to mow the lawn in spring?

Please wait until the temperature has consistently reached at least 5 degrees over a longer period of time. If you attempt to mow the grass before it has fully thawed from hibernation, you risk damaging the delicate blades of grass. Also make sure your lawn is completely dry. Most gardeners agree that the safest time to mow is between 8 and 9 a.m. This is because the grass has already dried out at this point and is often already tall.

Spring Lawn Care – Eliminate moss and weeds

The rainy winter months may have caused your green space to become infested with moss and weeds, which are in direct competition with the grass for important nutrients and soil moisture. Removing moss is another task thatdone in springmust be. It is highly recommended to use a lawn fertilizer that also acts as a weed and moss killer. This increases the nitrogen content of the lawn, which leads to the elimination of moss. When the moss is removed, bare spots remain where it was before. It is important to allow fresh, healthy grass to grow over these bare spots to prevent them from becoming covered with moss again.

Caring for your lawn in spring: Fertilize it

Most lawns grow well even when not fertilized, providing you with a carpet of green to enjoy most of the year. But even if it's not necessary, feeding can strengthen the lawn. This is especially true if you want a lush and dense full-grass lawn. When fertilizing your green space, you should:

  • Be aware that producing artificial fertilizer requires a lot of energy and can have a negative impact on the natural environment - so you should only apply it when necessary and use as little as possible to keep your lawn healthy receive.
  • When the grass on your lawn is green and actively growing (often in late March or April), choose a spring/summer lawn fertilizer and apply it at the manufacturer's recommended rate. Do this in mid-spring. These fertilizers are high in nitrogen, which promotes leaf growth, and they typically release their nutrients over time.
  • Distribute the fertilizer evenly throughout the turf, ideally in cool, wet weather and when there is a chance of rain, and then water the lawn a little. You can re-fertilize your green space if it still seems to be in poor condition after a few months, but you shouldn't wait until August to do so. This would encourage green leaf growth late in the year when the grass is more susceptible to damage from winter cold,pests or diseasesis.