White animals in the potting soil: How you can recognize and combat these small pests!

Houseplants are the ideal accessory for any home because of their ability to transform a space that was previously colorless and devoid of life into a vibrant paradise. Since every person will have a problem with a plant at some point in their life, it is useful to know how to identify the problem and what to do about it. An infestation of unwanted insects can be very annoying, but the situation can be quickly remedied. Read on to learn what steps you should take if you notice white critters in your potting soil.

Identify and combat white creatures in the potting soil

In most cases that isPresence of small, white insectsin the ground, pretty bad news. They attack your potted plant by sucking its sap, cutting off its food source and eventually causing it to die.

Small, jumping animals – springtails

Springtails can jump up to ten times their own body size and come in a variety of colors, but are usually pale gray or yellow. They multiply extremely quickly and if left uncontrolled they can cause serious damage to your potting soil. On the other hand, they do not harm your plants in any way. They feed on decaying plant matter and mold and in no way on the plant itself or its roots.

In order to survive and reproduce, the tiny, jumping animals need a moist location, which is why the soil in which your potted plant grows is often ideal for them. Although these insects generally do not cause problems, they can still be a nuisance, especially if it is the plant in questionabout a houseplantacts. When the springtails' habitat dries out to the point that it can no longer provide them with the moisture they need, they move on and look for a new area that better suits their needs. This means that they could find a new home in parts of your home, for example in damp carpets or floorboards.

Insects in the plant soil – fungus gnats

These midges are flies that are easily found in common houseplant soil. They are tiny bugs with a white body and black head, with none of the legs visible. They are notorious for leaving sticky marks in the soil of potted plants. This is something that is seen very frequently. These mosquitoes and their larvae feed on the organic matter of the soil, which severely limits their availability to your houseplants.

White creatures in the potting soil – root mites

If you see tiny, white creatures in the potting soil, you can assume they are root mites. They can be found in potting soil – both deep and on the surface of the soil. The root mites are so small that they are usually only seen as very discrete dots. The small insects eat tunnels in roots, flower bulbs and tubers. They are particularly harmful to amaryllis and orchids.

How you can get rid of white creatures in the potting soil with home remedies

First, you should remove the pests from the soil. Here's how you can fight them.

Isolate the plant that is infested with pests

The first measure is to immediately shield the plant that is infested with bugs. Most of these pests are mobile organisms that can quickly hop from one plant to the next. Before you know it, all of your plants will be infested and you will need to treat each and every one of them.

Use neem oil

Neem oil is an effective, natural substance that quickly eliminates pests without harming plants. It is best to mix a teaspoon of this oil with 4 liters of water. Also add a spoonful of dishwashing liquid. Now you have an organic bug spray that you can useyour houseplantsand can treat the soil once a week to kill any insects that reside there.

Additionally, you can add two or three drops of this oil to the water you add to your soil. This ensures that the oil reaches the entire soil and destroys the insects and their eggs.

Fight white creatures in the potting soil with isopropyl alcohol

Use a cotton ball dipped in 75% diluted isopropyl alcohol and apply the alcohol to the damaged plant. Add a few drops of alcohol to the water you regularly give your plant to improve the soil. This means that the annoying insects will disappear in no time.

Repot your plant

If you have tried all of the above remedies but the insects keep coming back despite your best efforts, the soil needs to be removed. You will need to repot your plant in fresh, sterilized potting soil to keep it alive.

After thoroughly moistening the soil until it is soft, carefully remove the top layer of soil while simultaneously lifting the plant. You should be extremely careful when doing this so as not to injure the roots of the plant. Now wash the roots of the plant thoroughly and then spray them with either neem oil or alcohol. Then thePlant repotted into the new container, which is filled with appropriately sterilized soil.