Bark mulch against weeds: How to control overgrown plants

Weeds make even the most beautiful garden look unkempt. If you want to prevent the rampant plants from spreading, you have a lot to do in spring and summer. The next trick can save you time and effort. Learn how to properly use bark mulch against weeds!

Photo: Shutterstock Photo / ronstik

Bark mulch against weeds: That's why the product is so effective!

Mulching offers many advantages - a layer of mulch protects the soil from drying out, keeps it warm in spring and cool in summer. But a 10cm thick layer of mulch can do even more - it doesn't let in sunlight and suppresses the germination of weeds. Pine and spruce bark are also rich in tannins, which successfully inhibit germination processes. The young plants also cannot find support in the loose mulch layer and cannot take root. At the same time, the mulch layer acts as a long-term fertilizer and gradually releases nutrients as it decomposes.

However, bark mulch has one disadvantage - it acts like a nitrogen fixer. This can quickly lead to a nitrogen deficiency in the soil. In order to supply the useful and ornamental plants with the necessary nutrients and to prevent a deficiency, you should fertilize first and only then lay out the bark mulch layer. Natural fertilizers such as compost or horn shavings as well as long-term fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are ideal.

Types of beef and grain sizes

Photo: Shutterstock / ronstik

The bark of coniferous trees is primarily used in the garden. Chips from pine, Douglas fir and pine, which are available in different grain sizes, are particularly effective. They are used in various areas:

  • Fine grain sizes between 1 cm and 3 cm are suitable for pots and flower pots. The rule of thumb applies: the finer the grain, the faster the natural material decomposes. You must therefore check regularly and apply a new layer if necessary.
  • Grain sizes between 2 cm and 4 cm are suitable for flower and raised beds.
  • As a covering for garden paths and as filling in joints, grain sizes between 3 cm and 6 cm are used.
  • A layer of mulch of 5 cm and 7 cm is laid under bushes.

How to use mulch correctly: instructions

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1.As a preventive measure:Take pine bark and spread a 10 cm thick layer. Pine bark contains less acid than the bark of other conifers and cannot change the pH value of the garden soil. The natural material also exudes a gentle aroma and is therefore perfect for flower beds. Although it cannot displace weeds that have already grown, it can successfully inhibit the germination of their seeds. Pine bark is therefore the perfect preventive measure.

2.As a weed killer:If the weeds have already spread in the garden, mulching with pine mulch is the best option. It contains a lot of tannic acid, which...Inhibit weed growth. The natural product also promotes the growth of plants that prefer acidic soil. Examples include birch trees, magnolias, rhododendrons and hydrangeas.

Mulching in five easy steps:

  • Loosen the soil around the plants, water thoroughly and fertilize.
  • Distribute mulch loosely around the plants, leaving a distance of about 5 cm from flowers and perennials and 7 cm from shrubs and trees.
  • For young plants larger than 15 cm, leave the soil uncovered within a 15 cm radius around the stem.
  • Add mulch gradually if necessary. Fine grains decompose within 2 - 3 months, coarse grains take longer - but you have to add mulch at least twice a year.
  • Be sure to keep the ground covered in spring and summer so weeds don't stand a chance. Regularly check the soil for waterlogging and, for potted plants, the stem for rot.

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In these cases, do not use mulch!

Foto: Shutterstock / AVN Photo Lab
  • Freshly planted beds:A thick layer of mulch inhibits the growth of all young plants and can stop the germination of crops. Therefore, you should only use bark mulch to combat weeds when the perennials, flowers and grasses have already grown.
  • Lawns and beds with ground cover:A thick layer of mulch can do that tooGrowth of ground cover plantsand have a negative impact on lawns. Ground cover inhibits weed growth anyway and is often used in beds, between the joints of terrace slabs or around the garden path.
  • Specific garden types:Rock gardens with low plants, Mediterranean gardens with plants from the Mediterranean region, all types of roses. They are all heat tolerant, but cannot tolerate waterlogging and the roots will quickly rot. In this case, the only thing left is to weed the plants

Mulch moderately in spring

Weeds may be a nuisance for many amateur gardeners. In fact, certain plant species spread quickly and displace other plants. Mulching in spring is an environmentally friendly option. However, you should not mulch all garden areas and always allow a few weeds to grow in the garden. Especially in spring, their flowers provide important food for bees and other insects. That’s why it’s called – mulching, but in moderation.

Also read:What to do about weeds in the bed? This way you can permanently remove and prevent annoying weeds!