10 robust clematis varieties - beautiful climbing plants for the garden and balcony

The clematis plants, also known as clematis, are among the most popular climbing plants and have become an indispensable part of the home garden. With more than 300 varieties of clematis, choosing the right dream specimen could be really difficult. There are evergreen, large-flowered, early- and late-flowering plant varieties. At the beginning it is important to determine the desired flower size and the flowering time. In this article you will find a short list of Clematis varieties that might help you decide. Each of them is characterized by robustness, long flowering times and beautifully shaped flowers.

Robust clematis varieties for every season

DieClematis climbing plantsare ideal for greening pergolas, garden arbors, gates, trellises and fences. In the example above you can see a long pergola with stone columns that have been completely covered by clematis plants. The combination of early and late flowering varieties in the garden guarantees that it will look beautiful all year round. Although all varieties are different, the care remains mostly the same - foot in the shade, head in the sun and regular pruning depending on the pruning group. This maintains the bushy growth. Clematis that bloom in spring belong to pruning group 1 and are cut back in June after flowering. Cutting for plants from cutting group 2 takes place from September. Autumn bloomers in pruning group 3 require pruning in spring.

Parisian Clematis

Clematis Parisienne is a new plant variety from breeder Raymond Evision and debuted at the British Chelsea Flower Show in 2005. This clematis hybrid has beautiful purple flowers and dark green foliage. This clematis grows very compactly, making it the ideal candidate for a planter on your patio.

The flowers first appear in early summer and the second bloom occurs in late summer and fall. Parisienne prefers full sun to partial shade.


This plant variety was named after the wife of Erastus Corning II because she discovered the plant in her garden in Albany, New York when she moved there as a bride. She recognized the excellent properties of the plant and ensured that it was propagated and marketed. Clematis Betty Corning is a hybrid of C. viticella and C. crispa and has delicate bell-shaped flowers that first appear in spring.


This is a late blooming specimen, blooming for 4 months during each growing season and producing more flowers than most other Clematis varieties. If you are looking for an easy-care, lushly blooming companion for roses and shrubs, then Arabella is the right choice for you. The variety is also perfect as a ground cover.

ClematisDaniel Deronda

A hardy climber that likes well-drained soil and a sunny spot. Clematis Daniel Deronda reaches a height of 2.5 meters and a flower size of up to 16 cm in diameter.


Clematis Fairy Blue was bred in Japan by Hiroshi Hayakawa and has been delighting gardeners ever since with its flowers with a fountain-like center with silvery stamens. It blooms in late spring and reaches a height of 2.5 meters.


With its deep blue flowers that can reach 15 cm in diameter, Clematis 'Rhapsody' blooms from June to September.

Clematis BlueAngeland Jackmanii

For many people, the dark purple clematis Jackmanii is the best and easiest-care plant variety one could wish for. It impresses with its exceptionally large, violet-blue flowers and is not susceptible to disease. The first modern hybrid Jackmanii was introduced in the early 1860s. It grows extremely quickly and can reach a height of 10 meters.

The Clematis Blue Angel forms a beautiful backdrop for Jackmanii. Its ruffled petals are light purple or light blue at the edges and white toward the stigma.


Clematis Blue Ravine produces beautiful purple flowers with dark red stamens. It blooms from May to September and belongs to cutting group 2.

Clematisviticella Dark Eyes

The flowers of the Clematis Viticella Dark Eyes shine in a magical dark purple-violet color with black stamens in July to September. The climbing plant reaches a height of 180 cm and is cut back in winter from November. This clematis can grow beautifully with a white rose.