The rose is the queen of all flowers. Their delicate flowers decorate the garden and the flower bed. No wonder that the different types of roses are so popular. However, with thatRoses in summerWith flowers that delight the eye, proper care is very important. Pruning in spring promotes growth and keeps the plant healthy. We explain how you can cut the different roses.
Like mostOrnamental shrubs and perennialsThe roses also benefit from a caring cut. This offers several advantages:
- It stimulates plant growth and flower formation.
- Sick, frozen or dried shoots make the plant susceptible to disease and must therefore be removed regularly.
- Thanks to the topiary, all shoots can receive sufficient sunlight.
- The hobby gardener has easy access to the root area and can water the roses from below, fertilize them or remove weeds.
But why is spring the right time? Mid to late February is the right time to prune. You can also cut back individual shoots in March, as long as it is only a maintenance measure. In spring, the roses do not yet have any leaves or flowers, so you can quickly identify diseased shoots, dried parts of the plant and faded panicles.
Cutting roses: This is what you should keep in mind
No matter what type of rose it is, there are several basic rules you should follow when cutting.
1. Always use sharp secateurs for a clean cut. This way the rose can recover quickly.
2. Cut the shoots at an angle to allow rainwater and morning dew to drain away.
3. Follow all care instructions regarding overwintering of the respective rose variety. Some roses are more sensitive, others can cope with sub-zero temperatures without additional frost protection.
4. Before pruning in spring, you should inspect the plants for pests, frost damage and diseases. Only then shorten the yellowish-brown colored parts of the plant down to the green wood.
5. From time to time it can happen that certain types of roses form wild shoots. These can only be recognized in spring. The wild shoots produce smaller flowers and have leaves of a different color. You should cut these off.
6. After cutting in spring, the plants should be protected from night frost with appropriate winter protection.
When and how to cut shrub roses?
The shrub roses are usually cut twice a year. In autumn, after the end of the flowering period, the shoots are shortened by a third. However, pruning in spring is much more important to promote flower formation. Varieties that bloom several times a year are cut back by a third. The natural hemispherical shrub shape should be retained. Therefore, the side shoots are shortened in the middle a little more than the main shoots.
The situation is different with shrub roses, which bloom once a year. Here you should proceed with great caution and cut the new shoots down to the flower buds. You can also cut off the faded panicles from last year. However, it is better if you leave them standing. The bush will then bear fruit. Although these are inedible for humans, they are an important source of food for birds, hedgehogs and other small animals.
Pruning climbing roses: when and how?
In whichCutting back the climbing rosesThe same rules apply as for shrub roses. Varieties that bloom two or even three times a year are cut back in spring and autumn. Single-flowering varieties are only pruned in spring. Regular pruning promotes flower formation and prevents the shoots from becoming bald. Most climbing roses cannot tolerate severe pruning. It is therefore important to rejuvenate the plant at least once a year by thinning out the crown.
Cutting ground cover roses: yes or no?
Ground cover roses also need pruning every few years. Only bare parts of the plant are cut off close to the ground, diseased shoots are completely removed and the roses are thinned out a little. The oldest shoots are shortened to encourage new growth in spring.
Cutting English roses: the classic noble roses for the flower bed
The English rose varieties are true classics among floribunda roses. Robust and easy to care for, this class of roses enjoys great popularity. The English varieties also need pruning. Young plants take three years to grow. From the fourth year onwards, you should cut the flowers back every spring. Shorten the stems by two-thirds, leaving 4 eyes. In contrast to shrub and ground cover roses, English floribunda roses can also tolerate severe pruning. However, this is rarely necessary.
Balcony roses in pots: When is it worth cutting?
Different than thatRoses in the gardenThe balcony roses are significantly smaller and have a compact growth. These are usually just printed out. If individual parts of the plant are dead or frozen, they are also removed. Otherwise, you can shorten any shoots that are thinner than a ballpoint pen.