Early spring is a good time to prune sage. Sage, with the Latin name Salvia, is an undemanding and sun-loving plant from the mint family. Salvia species are distributed worldwide and include more than 800 different varieties. Real sage with its aromatic scent and essential oils is used as a culinary herb andused as a medicinal plant.
When planted in the right place in the garden, sage can spread over several square meters. However, if the leaves are cut off before winter, the plant will have difficulty surviving the cold season. Early spring is the right time to cut back the shoots so that the sage can spread when the weather improves. However, when cutting sageoften some errorsmade. What these are and how you can correct them is the subject of this article.
Common mistake: Cut sage evenly on all types
The variety of sage species is large: annual, biennial, herbaceous or evergreen perennials and shrubs. What they all have in common, however, are the paired, often fragrant leaves and the double-flowered flowers arranged in panicles or clusters.
No pruning is required for annual plants - just lift them up and throw them in the compost bin in late autumn.
Perennial plantsHowever, they need to be pruned annually to keep them under control and promote healthy growth for many years. And when it comes to how to prune sage, it's important to consider the variety you're growing because the process is a little different.
Cut sage correctly: deciduous herbaceous salvias
This variety of sage tends to die back in the winter, especially when it is cold. Varieties include Salvia elegans “Scarlet Pineapple,” with pineapple-scented leaves and red flowers, and Salvia guaranitica “Black and Blue.”
How to prune correctly: Get a pair of the best pruning shears and make sure they are clean and sharp. Cut the old stems down to the lowest arrowhead. If the stems have dried out completely over the winter, cut them back to the base where new shoots should form. In summer the flowers must be broken off. Cut them off by making the cut just above the leaves. This improves the appearance of the plants and encourages new blooms.
Cutting Sage: Shrub salvias with woody stems
When is the right time to cut back hardy salvias? To keep them compact, pruning should be done every spring. Otherwise, this variety can grow very large and its stems can become too woody and spindly over time. Varieties include the popular Salvia microphylla “Hot Lips” and the bright red Salvia greggii “Flame.”
How to prune correctly:Cut back about a third of the plant, just above a pair of leaves. This maintains the structure and creates a solid foundation for new growth. Trim the stems in summer to improve the appearance. You can also cut back the cross-trunks and thin out the center of the plant to allow more light to penetrate to stimulate new growth.
How to cut sage correctly: rosette salvias
This type of Salvia has tall flower spikes that grow from rosettes of often evergreen leaves in warmer climates. Varieties include “Caradona” and “May Night.”
How to cut correctly: Leave the second part of the shoots standing over the winter so that the new growth does not freeze. Then cut back the old shoots in spring and leave the new green growth intact. In warmer areas, you can trim the plant back in the fall to keep it looking neater.
Common Mistake: Not cutting sage at all
Many types of sage grow as shrubs or sub-shrubs. What they have in common is that the shoots become woody on the underside over time. The willow trees should be pruned annually. SomeGardeners choose this, do the main pruning of salvias in late fall - this is a good thing if you grow hardy varieties and live in a warmer region.
However, if in doubt, you should add them to the listSpring work in the gardenplant when the danger of frost has passed and you can see fresh greenery. If you don't prune the sage regularly, the plant will become sparse and wilt. It only sprouts a few of its fragrant leaves, and the flowers also suffer from lack of pruning. The plant ages rapidly and is no longer useful. So if you don't prune the sage at all, you'll be harming the plant in the long run.
In summer you can pick off the heads and prune the plant lightly to shape it.
Common Mistake: Pruning sage too low
If you place the scissors too deep, you can destroy the entire plant. Cuts into the wood that are too deep will not recover and the sage will probably not sprout properly.
How long do salvia plants last?
Learning how to prune salvias will extend their lifespan, which can be more than 10 years under the right growing conditions. However, the resistance of different varieties varies.