Water tomatoes correctly: Which watering mistakes to avoid and how often to water the plants?

Tomatoes need a lot of water to thrive. However, there are some specific tips and pointers to keep in mind if you want to grow healthy plants. And proper watering is essential for vigorously growing tomato plants. However, incorrect watering can have serious consequences for your tomatoes. Like herWater tomatoes properlyand which casting mistakes you should avoid can be found in this article.

What problems can incorrect watering cause?

Tomatoes are sensitive plants and you have to understand their needs properly.The right wateringis one of the most important prerequisites for a rich harvest. And improper watering can lead to the following problems:

  • Blossom end rot
  • Stunted growth
  • Decreased fruit production
  • Susceptibility to pests
  • Root loss
  • Inferior fruits

Water tomatoes properly

Below we have put together the most important tips for watering tomatoes correctly so that they...Tomato plants produce lots of flowersand you can enjoy them all summer long. Follow our instructions and your tomatoes will thrive happily.

Water only the soil

You never need to water tomato plants from above, only water the soil and do not spray water on the leaves. Some gardeners even remove the leaves up to 40 cm above the ground,so that when wateringdon't get wet. If they are wet, they can be burned by sunlight.

Slow watering is recommended

Slow watering is crucial for healthy tomato plants. Always water around the trunk, but not the trunk itself, because here too the rule applies that parts of the plant do not have to be wet. The water should have enough time to soak into the soil. When watering your plants, keep in mind that the soil should be 15 to 20 centimeters moist. This promotes root growth.

Do not overwater

As mentioned, too much water can be just as bad as too little water. Note that the root of the tomato plant will begin to rot in the humid environment. Leave enough time between waterings. Make sure the soil is not wet before the next watering. Correctly assess the water needs of your plants.

Water and mulch tomatoes properly

In addition to watering, mulching is also very important for tomato plants. Mulch offers numerous benefits for your plants. Using mulch helps keep water where the plants need it.Use mulchto slow evaporation. It is well known to gardeners that mulch regulates moisture and releases important nutrients into the soil.

Placing a layer of mulch around your plants will encourage aeration of the soil. To do this, you need to mix mulch loosely into the top layer of soil. It protects against evaporation and ensures that you have to water less often.

How often should you water tomatoes?

The correct watering frequency depends on numerous factors such as temperature, soil conditions and location. Therefore, you need to consider all factors to properly assess how often to water tomatoes. If it gets too hot, your plants may need to be watered several times a day. In cooler weather it is sufficient to water just once or twice a week.

So only water when your tomato plants really need water. Be careful not to water too much as this could lead to waterlogging. In addition, too much water can leach important nutrients from the soil. It is therefore advisable to check the humidity regularly.

How do you estimate the need for water?

A general guideline is 5 cm of water per week for one plant in the ground. Watch the leaves. They are an important indicator of the water needs of plants. If you see the leaves becoming limp in the evening, the plant needs water. If the plant looks limp during the day, there is no cause for concern. In fact, this is often a protective mechanism for the plant to reduce evaporation during the day. What matters most is how the plant looks in the evening, after sunset.

Avoid watering at night because the humid conditions and low temperatures can cause disease.

How often do you water tomatoes in pots

Here, too, there are a number of requirements that should be taken into account. The frequency of watering depends on the size of the container, weather conditions and tomato variety,that you grow in pots. For example, a vine tomato growing in a 20 liter container must be B. watered every day, sometimes twice a day in the hot summer months.

Check the soil to see if the plant needs water. When the soil feels dry to a depth of 5 cm, it is time to water. If the leaves droop, this is a clear sign that the plant needs water. Also, if your tomato plant's leaves are turning yellow, it could be a sign that the plant is not getting enough water.

Make sure the overflow water drains away. Don't forget to cut holes in the bottom of the container. The excess water that the soil absorbs must be able to drain out of the pot.