Cracks and splits are one of the most common problems when growing tomatoes. Why do tomatoes burst? The good news: These unsightly cracks are not caused by pests or diseases! Tomatoes break open when the fruit outgrows the growth of the skin - usually after a heavy rain. The bad news: Splitting fruit can allow bacteria to enter the fruit and cause it to rot. But hold on: This problem is easy to fix, and you can start fixing it right away.
Cracks and splits occur when rapid changes in soil moisture cause the fruit to expand faster than the tomato skin can grow. This damage can take two different forms. Vertical cracks along the sides of the fruit are called radial cracks and are the most serious. This cracking pattern typically occurs in hot, humid weather. Cracks that occur in a circular pattern at the tip of the fruit and encircle the stem end are called concentric cracks. If either type of cracking occurs on green tomatoes, the fruit is likely to rot before it is fully ripe if left on the vine.
Tomatoes with radial cracksrot quickly, if they stay on the vine. Any fruit that develops a sour smell or begins to ooze should be put straight into the compost heap. Fruits that ripen on the vine, as well as those that ripen on the vine in cloudy, rainy weather, are less tasty than those that ripen on the plant in sunny weather.
How to prevent tomatoes from splitting
You can't always preventthat tomatoessplit; a cloudburst that dumps several inches of rain on your garden in just a few hours can result in split tomatoes no matter what you do. But you can reduce the chances of your tomatoes splitting by doing the following:
- Water regularly and thoroughly. The plants need about an inch of water per week, so you should water your tomato plants every two to three days in the summer. (You can tell if your plant needs water by sticking your index finger an inch into the soil at the base of the plant. If it's moist, you don't need to water. If it's dry, you should give the plants some water give a drink). When watering, aim for the base of the plant and avoid splashing soil on the leaves to prevent the spread of soil-borne diseases. Pour deeply. It's even better if you use drip irrigation. Regular, deep watering will reduce the impact of a sudden rainstorm because your plants won't suffer the shock of over-watering after a prolonged drought that causes fruit to crack.
- Mulch. Cover your plants with a two to three centimeter thick layerorganic mulch, e.g. E.g. straw, pine needles or shredded bark. Mulch helps keep the soil evenly moist and you have fewer problems with splinters.
- Pay attention to resistant varieties. Check the plant label or seed catalog for varieties that are resistant to splitting. Many hybrid varieties are not only disease resistant and highly productive, but are also less prone to splitting.
- Pick tomatoes early. Your tomatoes are almost ripe and you're expecting a heavy rain shower. Now is the perfect time to harvest your tomatoes before they become overwhelmed by the extra moisture. Fruits that have already changed color ripen on the perennial or on the vine. So harvest them before the storm and place them on the windowsill to allow the ripening process to complete. (A side effect of early harvesting: there is less risk of pests eating the fruit).
- Ensure good drainage. Planting your tomatoes in raised beds or containers with drainage holes will give your plants the best drainage in the event of a flood. Both raised beds and containers drain well - just make sure you use good, loose soil that is not compacted. Since the nutrients drain from the containers when the water drains, you should take them with youan organic fertilizerfeed.
What to do if the fruit splits
IfYour tomatoessplit, it is important to harvest them as quickly as possible. Split fruits are much more susceptible to rot and insect infestation. Even if you can't completely avoid splitting, you can still eat the tomatoes! Inspect carefully for signs of insects or rot, and discard any fruit that smells sour or is leaking. Then create your favorite dish with your garden goodies! They don't last long, so it's best to eat or cook them right away to enjoy your gardening.