Are your little tomato plants growing happily and waiting for the day when you can finally go outdoors? Since it will still be a while until then, you can start thinking about future care and get a few necessary things (for example, you could build a tomato house). A part of the care that is not mandatory, but very useful, is mulching the plants. You don't really know what purpose this serves? We summarize the benefits and what you can use to mulch your tomatoes.
What is mulch actually good for?
Maybe you, as a hobby gardener, have never had anything to do with mulching before or always thought that the layer of mulch on beds was simply for aesthetic purposes. Mulch has other great properties for your bed. What are the benefits of mulching vegetables like tomatoes?
- The layer of mulch material is a good oneSun protection. She ensures that the earthdoesn't dry out so quickly, which means you don't have to water as often. The mulch layer also keeps the soil around the roots cool in summer. This allows heat to be stored before and after summer.
- Since no sun reaches the ground, other plants have no chance to grow. This means that mulch gives you the best chance ofweedto prevent them in a natural way - so you can mulch against weeds without any chemicals!
- Also asfertilizerthe material used works. Because it naturally decomposes over time, it also gradually releases nutrients to surrounding plants.
- DieStructure of the soilis clearly improved. Mulch prevents the soil from becoming compacted by providing a kind of protective layer to the soil, which means it is no longer exposed to winds and direct rain. This also prevents the soil from eroding.
When should you apply mulch?
As already mentioned, a positive property of mulching is that it can retain heat. But of course you shouldn't apply the mulch layer too early for this purpose (then you would keep the still cold ground cool). As you know, the tomato plants go outdoors to the Ice Saints or afterwards. If there have already been a few sunny, warm days beforehand, you can mulch the tomatoes straight away. If not, you should wait for a little warmth.
Another advantage of early mulching is that due to the still quite wet weatherThe decomposition process begins relatively quicklyand will provide the plants with nutrients. Otherwise, from now on, make sure to always keep the plants covered with mulch: Depending on the mulching material, the layer will sometimes rot faster, sometimes more slowly and will therefore have to be replaced at different times.
What to mulch tomatoes with?
A wide variety of materials are available to you when you plant the tomatoesMulch the vegetable patchwant. We list a few suitable and unsuitable options below. Furthermore, please note that:
- Use finer material when the plants are still young and tender.
- the mulch layer is two to three centimeters thick. If it is too thick, rot can occur because too much moisture is accumulated for too long, which in turn makes the plants sick. It is therefore better to opt for less and apply the material more often (you are welcome to change).
- There is a small gap between the mulch and the plant trunk.
Mulch tomatoes with grass clippings and other plant materials
You can come withLawn clippingsmulch, withHeu, straw and even compost that has not yet been decomposed. The latter is best worked into the garden soil, while the other mulching materials are simply distributed around the plant. It is important that you let the grass clippings dry beforehand. In this way you are mulching with hay, so to speak.Find out more hereabout how to mulch with grass clippings.
Would you like to mulch withStroh? This material is particularly suitable for a second, top layer. The soft straw absorbs the water splashes when watering and, as you know, the tomato plants should be protected from water on the leaves and branches anyway.
HimselfLaubcan be used. Here you should preferably choose maple, birch or beech leaves, but not acidic leaves (see below).
Also interesting:Mulching trees, right? Guide with useful tips
Animal waste products as tomato mulch
Horn shavings and manure are well suited and can also be worked into the soil a little. It is best to use these in combination with compost and work them into the soil.
Not suitable:
- Bark mulch, as it removes nitrogen from the plants and makes the soil acidic.
- Straw alone deprives plants of nutrients. It is only suitable for an upper, additional layer.
- Wood chips for the garden would theoretically be suitable, but the origin of the tree is usually unknown. This could have been contaminated with pollutants and the wood could have been treated. Here it is the same as withWood ash as fertilizer. However, you can use the mulching material for non-edible plants.
- Chestnut or oak leaves rot very slowly and acidify the soil.
Is nettle suitable as mulch?
However. So if you have an unwanted nettle corner that you have to weed regularly anyway, you can make the best use of the vegetable waste to mulch your tomatoes. Whether you distribute them in their entire size or chop them up beforehand is up to you. The only difference is that the crushed plants decompose more quickly and also release nutrients (especially nitrogen) more quickly.
You can find out more about “mulching”.in this article.