Remove weeds over large areas: With these tips and tricks, your garden will stay weed-free!

Weeds are a nuisance and no one wants them growing on their land. Unfortunately, weeds can be a problem anywhere and you may even find a large area that is completely overgrown with weeds. How then can you remove weeds over large areas?

Not only are the weeds unsightly, but they are also likely to hinder the growth of the grass or plants you are trying to maintain. The only way to change the situation is to find a solution to the weed problem. Getting rid of a few weeds won't be too difficult, but a large area can seem overwhelming. Read on for effective strategiesElimination of weedsto be experienced in large areas. In the future, you won't have to worry as much about weeds damaging your lawn or plants because you can take control of even the most serious weed problems.

Remove weeds over large areas by weeding

Getting rid of weeds on a large piece of land is not easy. Some of the most efficient strategies require a lot of time and work. There are temporary solutions, but they don't work very well on weeds. No matter what new technologies are developed, good old weed weeding is still the best method for clearing large areas of weeds.

Although this method takes some time and effort to get into the habit of, if you stick with it, you will find that it is the most effective way to prevent future weed growth.

Remove the roots with a shovel and hand

If you divide a large plot of land into smaller sections, it will be easier to solve the weed problem. Dig around the roots and remove the top portions with a shovel. Remove the roots by hand: The first step is to locate the main root and carefully remove it. The weeds can be dried in the sun and used as plant food after composting.

Use a garden hoe

You can also use a garden hoe if your area is flat and contains only superficial weeds. You should wait until the soil is dry to use the garden hoe. To avoid damaging your garden hoe and your plants, avoid using it on uneven terrain or in areas where tall weeds have deep roots.

Remove weeds over large areas with a weed cutter

A weed whacker is another useful tool for controlling overgrown weeds and uneven ground.

Use a grass trimmer to control weeds

To effectively remove tall weeds, you should use a string trimmer - owning a string trimmer is highly recommended if you are in yourLots of weeds in the gardenhave. The grass trimmer can be used to remove the upper part of the weeds, making the lower part easier to control.

Using this method, you should be able to quickly rid your garden of unwanted weeds. Once you master how to use a grass trimmer, you can clean a large area quickly and efficiently. The only disadvantage of the device is that it does not destroy weeds. It's more about keeping your garden beautiful and making maintenance easier.

Get rid of weeds in the garden thermally with steam

The steam weed control method involves vaporizing the weeds with hot water. Using steam to control weeds is a risk-free option. This technique eliminates the above-ground parts of the plants. This immediately slows the rapid regeneration generally seen after cutting or other weed control procedures. The universal applicability of steam is perhaps the greatest advantage it offers. You can use steam to clean up wild weedsGarden paths, terrace, between paving stones, in the lawn, etc.

Permanent weed killer – mulch

Weeds in a field can be eradicated by applying mulch. The weeds cannot absorb oxygen or sunlight through the mulch. It also encourages the presence of insects that eat the wild weeds. The weeds will eventually die. Mulch can be made from grass clippings, leaves, straw, wood chips, etc. or purchased already. The bark mulch is of course a classic.

Note the following:Don't do this until the rest of your lawn or plants are already well established.

How to mulch weeds to prevent their germination:

  • Cut the weeds back so that they are just above the ground.
  • A biodegradable material such as cardboard can be used to cover the flooror newspaperbe used.
  • Soak it completely by pouring water over it.
  • Now apply a layer of mulch that is at least 5 to 8 cm to cover the paper.

Corn flour or corn starch against wild weeds

Although cornmeal does not eliminate weeds, it does prevent weed seeds from developing. It also adds nitrogen to your soil. After weeding, always use a rake to work the cornmeal into the soil. This dramatically reduces the likelihood of weeds returning to the soil.

Install a barrier to prevent weed growth

Blocking the sun for long periods of time can effectively kill weeds over wide areas. Without light, the weed cannot produce food through photosynthesis. It will eventually starve or be overrun by vermin and disease.

Here are some examples of barrier materials that can be used to cover extensive weedy areas.

Weed fleece

Weed control is an opaque, synthetic material that is available at any reputable garden supply store or even online. One can buy it in bulk at low prices. You should clear the area of ​​any overgrown plants and then cover it with this material. Use bricks, stakes, or something else that won't move in the wind to secure the material to the edge.

The weed fleece must remain on the weeds for an entire growing season - even in winter when the weeds are dormant. Only then will the weeds begin to rot and die. When you remove the weed fabric next spring, scrape off the top layer of soil with a hoe to remove any remaining weeds or weed seeds. You can save the tissue for later use or resell it when it is no longer needed.


You can also use cardboard for the same task. Cover the entire weed-infested area with cardboard for the duration of the winter. Cardboard is difficult to attach to the corners, so you'll need to cover it with something heavy if you want it to stay in place. We recommend covering the cardboard with several centimeters of compost. The reason for this is the decomposition of the cardboard during the winter. This top layer provides more compostable, organic material for the cardboard underneath.

The soil will be properly decomposed in time for the next planting season. Burying cardboard can warm the soil in preparation for spring. The only potential downside to this strategy is the difficulty of obtaining or collecting enough cardboard to support extensive,infested with weedsareas to cover. The cardboard is also not reusable.

Get rid of weeds with sunlight and black foil

All you need to do is purchase a sheet that is large enough to completely enclose your garden or property. This method is not only simple but also effective. The weeds should be covered with black foil. This should happen over a longer period of time during the warmest months of the year. The weeds will die from the extreme sunburn this method brings. Remember that this is not a permanent condition and that the weed will eventually return from its underground sources.

Rent goats and sheep

Would you like to quickly and easily clear a large area of ​​weeds? Simply borrow or rent a herd of goats and/or sheep from a farm and turn them loose on your weedy property. Goats and sheep can seek out and eat even the most inaccessible weeds. In return for the feed, they also fertilize your property.

Also very practical:There is no perfect tool against weeds? And whether!