Saving dried-out thuja: identifying causes and applying the right solutions

There are various causes that can cause thuja to dry out. The correct remedy requires knowledge of the cause. How to save a dried thuja?

Fortunately, you can help the plant if you detect the problem in time. We will show you the most common causes of thuja drying out and the corresponding treatment options.

Insufficient watering leads to the thuja drying out

Inadequate irrigation or the inability of plants to absorb available water leads to low water content in the tree, resulting in progressive browning of the leaves.In dry summersand cold winters the problem can become even worse. When the ground freezes in winter, the roots cannot absorb water.

What should be done about thatvertrocknete Thujato save if there is inadequate irrigation?

Thuja needs regular watering, so give the plant enough water. Add a layer of bark mulch to maintain the soil's water content. Ensure good drainage. These are all simple measures that can save your withered thuja. How much water do thuja need? Plants should receive three inches of water every week or ten days.

Note: Do not water on days when there is a risk of frost.

Thuja dries up because of acidic soil

If the soil around the thuja has an acidic pH, this can lead to brown leaves on the thuja, as wellto dehydration. The reason for this is that acidic soils produce a large amount of free manganese and the plant reacts to this with a brown-black discoloration of the needles.

Remedy for drying out due to acidic soils:

In this case, you can incorporate lime into the soil. You can also add compost and rake it in to balance the soil's nutrient supply. Thuja thrives best in slightly acidic to moderately alkaline soil with a pH between 6.5 and 8.0.

Dried thuja saves root problems

Healthy roots should be brown on the outside but have a white core and tips on the inside. If the roots are soft, brown and peel or tear easily, your hedge may have root rot. Thuja can develop root rot in wet conditions.

How to save a thuja with root rot

The treatment of this disease consists in removing the affected parts of the plant. Once the rotting or dying parts are removed, the plants should be repotted into fresh soil so that the remaining healthy roots can get a fresh start.

If the roots of your arborvitae are damaged for any reason, the amount of water the roots can deliver to the rest of the plant is also compromised. Inspect the roots and remove the damaged parts.

How can winter burn harm your thuja

If you observe your thuja turning brown in winter or early spring, the cause is likely winter burn. It is caused by frost, dry winter winds, sun and lack of water in the soil. The foliage may then turn brown because it dries out.

How can winter burn be prevented?

To keep your thuja healthy in winter, protect it from wind, keep the soil moist, improve the root system and fertilize adequately. Create barriers that protect the plant from dry winter winds and sun. Place mulch around the base of the tree to insulate the roots from sharp temperature changes.

Important: Avoid fertilizing plants in late summer or fall. Late fertilization triggers the growth of new foliage and can prevent the start of dormancy.

Another cause of drying is pests

Spider mites are very harmful to thuja. They suck the sap from the underside of the leaves, causing the needles to lose their color and turn brown. The mites are about the size of peppercorns and can be black, brown or red.
Leafminers attack all Thuja varieties, but prefer pyramidal, spherical and golden varieties. After hatching, the green larvae bore into the leaves and eat, hollowing out the needles from the inside.

How to combat pests on thuja

Cutting back and destroying infected branches and twigs is one way to save the plant without resorting to chemical agents.

Seasonal needle drop is a natural process

A natural cause of browning is seasonal needle shedding. Thuja trees shed their needles every few years, which is a natural part of their life cycle. An entire branch on the tree turns brown as it ages and may remain on the tree for some time before falling off. It looks like the tree has dried up, but this is a natural process.