Because of their high content of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, walnuts are one of the healthiest dried fruits you can eat. These little nuts help the body fight a variety of diseases. Forget the health benefits—they're good for your brain, too. What do you usually do after snacking on this juicy fruit? Throw away the peels? Well, you're wrong. Did you know that you can use walnut shells in the garden?
These walnut shell hacks are not only inexpensive and easy to try, but they're also pretty effective. Read on to discover more about how you can use the walnut shells.
Using walnut shells in the garden – tips
So remember not to throw away the nutshell every time you have one. Use them wisely when caring for your plants.
A source of nutrients for plants
Walnuts are not only an excellent source of potassium, zinc and phosphorus, but also of macronutrients, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, among others. Decomposing shells, whether diced or spread on the substrate or soil without any processing, release nutrients that which plants can absorb through their roots.
Walnut shells are naturally occurring, slow-release fertilizers - so we won't see any changes for some time. However, the plant receives the necessary nutrients as the peels decompose. This fertilizer makes the soil or substrate more nutrient-rich, which is good news for plant growth. If you put the nutshells on the ground and let nature do its work, they will rot over time. This allows the roots to absorb the nutrients that gradually become available to them, which is certainly fascinating when the garden soil is already rich in organic matter.
Ground walnut shell as fertilizer
If time is of the essence, it is best to use walnut shells, which must be carefully ground. A teaspoon or two of husk powder on the soil followed by water can help a potted plant recover. When the peels are ground, you can use them more quickly because they reach the roots immediately.
Compost the peels
The problem is that nutshells can decompose for years. You can throw them into a regular compost bin along with other green and food scraps. However, you can expect them to solidify in the bin long after the other materials are ready for the garden.
Mulch with shells
Mulching with nutshells is the most environmentally friendly use for nutshells. Don't resist it, but use the properties of the nutshells to your advantage. Crush the nutshells into small pieces and scatter them on the ground under bushes or between vegetable plants. Mulch serves a dual purpose: it delays the evaporation of moisture and prevents weeds from sprouting. Organic farmers havein weed controlonly a few options, so new approaches are very welcome. In addition to the effect of mulch, using walnut shells as a weed barrier around perennial crops can be an effective weed control measure.
Mulchmade of wood chipsor wood chips is widely used and works well - but nutshells are more durable and easier to mix. Even though they don't last forever, nutshells are quite durable. Their contents are released into the soil over time as they decompose. Spread a thin layer of walnut shell mulch, no thicker than 5 or 7 centimeters. Keeping the layer thin can improve air circulation and reduce the likelihood of the trays coming into direct contact with the soil and protect plants from damage.
Tipp:Keep an eye on the vigor of your plants while they are mulched with walnut shells. If you notice stunted development in sensitive plants, consider removing the mulch or using a different variety.
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What should you pay attention to?
The respiratory systems of many plants are inhibited by a chemical called juglone, which is found in walnut shells. When planting, be careful not to mulch areas near plants susceptible to juglone. Many nightshades fall into this category, including peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and many more. Using walnut hull mulch around shrubs, trees and other plants with woody roots is usually acceptable.
Walnut shell mulch can be made safer for a wider range of plants by first composting the shells, thereby reducing the juglone concentration. The decomposition of juglone and other hazardous substances is one of the many benefits of composting. As mentioned, be prepared for a few months if this takes that long.
Bowls are suitable as drainage aids
If you want to plant seedlings of ornamental and fruit plants or simply create raised beds in the garden, you can use walnut shells as a drainage layer. However, when used sparingly, nutshells can also be an effective drainage agent for houseplants. To do this, 2 to 5 cm of peels are layered at the bottom of each flower pot before planting, with the exact amount of peels needed depending on the size of the container.
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