Sawdust, also known as wood shavings, has numerous uses in the garden. Whether a layer of mulch, an important addition to compost, in animal husbandry or as a substrate for growing mushrooms - that's why the natural material is so useful!
Sawdust in the garden: Which ones are suitable for outdoor use?
First of all: Not all sawdust is the same. All shrubs from the yew family are not suitable for use in the garden. The same applies to chemically treated wood, such as Euro pallets. It is also recommended to use sawdust that is as fresh as possible. Wood residues from oak, maple, spruce, cedar and fruit trees.
As a soil improver in clay soil
Wood chips promote the growth of beneficial fungi that improve the soil. They form a symbiosis with garden plants (the relationship is referred to as “mycorrhiza”). The mushrooms promote water absorption and increase the supply of nutrients. The plants grow faster and bear more flowers or fruit.
But wood chips can do even more – theyloosen clay soiland are a long-term solution to the problem. Wood decomposes very slowly, so it can really improve the soil in the long run. However, since it takes longer to develop its effect, you have to work sawdust into the ground several times a year.
Speed up composting
Even experienced hobby gardeners make mistakes when composting. It is not an easy task but a complicated process. Fortunately, this can be accelerated by adding certain home remedies. Sawdust proves to be extremely useful and can, among other things:
- increase the compost volume
- Aerate soil
- Supply carbon and thus form a breeding ground for useful microorganisms
- improve plant health in the long term
Alternative to road salt
Slippery stairs and icy garden paths pose health risks. The use of road salt on paved areas is strictly prohibited. Sawdust offers an environmentally friendly alternative. They do not reach underwater and are harmless to plants. But the wood chips offer another advantage: they leave no marks on laminate and solid floors at home.
NB Anyone who makes their sawdust with a chainsaw should not use it outside. The chainsaw leaves traces of oil on the wood.
Keep root vegetables fresh longer with sawdust
Root vegetables such as potatoes, parsnips and carrots stay fresh longer when stored in wood chips. Simply line the bottom of a wooden box with it and then place the vegetables on top. Cover with the sawdust. You can continue to layer the wooden box until it is full. Then store the box in a cold and dry place. The garage or the basement are ideal.
Sawdust in the garden – this is how to mulch properly
Blueberries, blueberries and raspberries prefer slightly acidic soil. Ornamental plants such as hydrangeas, rhododendrons and azaleas also thrive best in garden soils with pH values below 6.
Work some horn shavings into the garden soil in late fall or, better yet, lay down a 3cm layer of mulch. In spring you can fertilize the plants and then protect them from frost again with wood chips.
Even after the permanent frost has passed, a finger-thick layer of mulch offers protection against rot. Strawberries in particular also bear their fruit on the lower branches. When these come into contact with moist soil, they begin to rot. Fungi and bacteria spread and the entire plant can die. To prevent this, you can sprinkle sawdust on the floor.
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