What can you do about maggots in the garbage can?

If you suddenly see maggots in the trash can, you should act quickly. Because in hot weather will beFlies from garbageattracted. The garbage can provides food and protection from birds, so pests multiply quickly there. Not only are the insects not a pretty sight, they are also a health hazard because they can transmit diseases. If the garbage can is near the house, then the kitchen can also be infested. In the article we will tell you how you can fight annoying maggots in the garbage can without insecticides.

Why do maggots get in the trash can?

If you suddenly find maggots in your garbage can, you should act quickly. Because oneMaggot infestation in the organic waste binis also often the first sign of a fly infestation. But how do worms actually come about in the trash can?

These are the larvae of fruit flies, house flies and blow flies. When food decomposes, a typical smell is created that attracts insects. Since it is very moist in the garbage can, it offers the perfect conditions for the flies to multiply quickly. The life cycle of insects allows for rapid infestation. Fortunately, there are several ways you can prevent this. Both home remedies and certain pest control products from specialist retailers can be used for this purpose.

How to Kill Maggots in Garbage Bin: Home Remedies

1. Garbage bin powder or organic waste bin powder.You can find a special environmentally friendly organic bin powder in garden centers. Its effect is versatile: it absorbs moisture in the organic waste bin and prevents the formation of rot and mold. Therefore, fewer fermentation gases are formed and the garbage can remains odor-free. First, wash the trash can thoroughly, rinse it, and let it dry. Then sprinkle their base with the powder. Add powder every time you dispose of organic waste.

2. The quicklimeis a good replacement for organic bin powder because it has a similar effect, is environmentally friendly and contains no chemicals.

3. Table saltKills the maggots immediately, howeverfor the compost binnot suitable, as you will then add salt to the garden soil along with the compost. And salt is very dangerous for plants and beneficial insects.

4. Pfeffercan also help keep the maggots in theRemove garbage can.. For this purpose, put 1 liter of water in a pot and boil it. Then add a tablespoon of pepper and remove the pot from the heat. Allow the water to cool completely before spraying the trash can.

5. With vinegar essenceand water you can get rid of the maggots permanently. Simply add 5-6 tablespoons of vinegar essence to 1 liter of lukewarm water and spray directly onto the maggots. Then leave the garbage can standing without the lid for half an hour so that it dries well. Dispose of the maggots and then clean the garbage can thoroughly with the garden hose and dishwashing liquid. Then spray the walls, base and lid again with the vinegar essence solution. Allow the garbage can to dry thoroughly and only then dispose of the garbage.

6. The newsprintcan also absorb moisture and therefore increase the effect of various home remedies against maggots. Wrap leftover meat and waste of animal origin with the paper, cut the newspaper into thick strips and mix them with the waste.

What can you do against maggots in the organic waste bin: preventative measures

  • Leftover meat and fishAlways wrap it well in newspaper first and only then dispose of it.
  • Pack tooLeftover food individuallybefore you dispose of them.
  • A bio filter lidreduces odors and ensures that the garbage can is always sealed airtight.
  • Regularly check the rubber seal for wear.
  • Regularly theClean garbage can, always carefully removing any residue. For this purpose, you can dissolve some baking soda in water and use it to remove the food residue. Then spray the garbage can with a vinegar solution made from 5 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 liter of water. Place the garbage can upside down on newspaper so that the water can drain away. Then turn it over and let it dry without the lid. If you only use biodegradable and harmless cleaning products, you can dispose of the dirty water in the street drain.
  • Fragrance oilskeep maggots away and are perfect for prevention. You can add 3-4 drops of tea tree or lavender oil to the lid.
  • Garbage disposal:Regularly put the garbage can on the street so that the garbage can be disposed of. The shorter the waste stays in the trash can, the better.

What you should use for the organic waste bin

If you want to compost the organic waste, you should proceed differently:

  • leftover food,You should sort out leftover meat, cheese and fish and never throw them away in the trash can. The same also applies to compostable packaging.
  • It is very important that you use the organic waste binonly clean with household remedies, which are not only harmless but also permitted for use in the garden. Otherwise, not only will you face a fine, but harmful substances can end up in the groundwater and pollute the environment.
  • There is salt in the compost binand nothing is lost in the organic waste bin.
  • Use onlyCompost bin with a filter, which neutralizes unpleasant odors.
  • MixNewspaper(without pictures) between the garbage so that it absorbs the liquids.