The new balcony and garden season begins in February. The first early bloomers appear and decorate the outside area. But spring also offers the opportunity to plant bulbs and spring flowers outside and then enjoy the blossoms in May. What flowers can you plant outside in February? We answer the question.
For now: The right time to plant flower bulbs is in autumn. However, anyone who missed this point has a second chance in the spring. Because most bulbous flowers can be planted in February. These include, among othersFirst,Hyacinths,Crocuses,LiliesandDaffodils. Even the planting ofTulipsis still possible in spring. Proceed as follows:
- Loosen the soil in the plant bed or flower box.
- Measure the height of the bulb and dig a hole twice as deep.
- Place plant baskets in the hole to protect against voles.
- If there was a lot of rain in February and the ground is wet, add some sand or gravel to each hole. This improves drainage and prevents waterlogging.
- Add compost to the excavated soil and then fill the holes with it.
- Additionally protect the soil from frost with a finger-thick layer of mulch.
- If the flower bulbs are planted in balcony boxes or pots, wrap them with fleece to protect against frost.
Additional tips regarding each bulb flower:
Plant primroses outside now and protect them from frost
The primroses are early bloomers and bring splashes of color to the outdoor area in spring. If the season is frost-free, you can plant the bulbs in the ground at the end of February / beginning of March. Choose a partially shaded outdoor spot. If permanent frost sets in after planting, you can cover the bed with leaves or spruce branches. They tolerate shorter periods of frost much more easily.
Which flowers can you plant outside now as an exception? Daffodils
Daffodils are also bulbous flowers that are usually planted out in autumn, but in exceptional cases can also be planted in the ground in spring. The most important thing is the location – it should be in the sun or in partial shade. Think about what the garden will look like in the next few months. Is there a tall deciduous shrub that will cast shade on the flower bed? Then choose a frost-free period so that the flowers can form their roots before sprouting. Loosen the soil so that the daffodils can root through it more quickly.
When can you plant tulips?
If you missed autumn to plant beautiful tulips in the garden, you can do it now. As long as the permanent frost is over and the soil is no longer frozen, you can plant the onions in the ground. Many tulip bulbs have already sprouted to some extent in February. The onions are carefully placed in the soil with the shoot tip upwards.
Which flowers can you plant in February? Lilies
Unlike other bulbous plants that are planted in the fall, the planting time for lilies begins in February. This is because the onions can dry out when exposed to air. Long storage until autumn is out of the question for this delicate beauty. It is much better to plant the lily bulb in the ground immediately after purchasing it in the spring. A hole that is at least 12 cm deep, but ideally 20 cm deep, enables rapid root formation.
What flowers can you plant in February? Early bloomers for the balcony
If you can't wait for the spring flowers to come out, then you can opt for early bloomers. These are, for example:
- Fragrant violets and cyclamen: The scented violetsare brought forward in winter and planted out together with other winter aconites from February onwards. Choose a spot next to bushes or walls.
- Elf crocus:Its planting season begins in September and ends in November. If you want to add a splash of color in the garden or on the balcony now, you can buy pre-grown plants and plant them outside in February. Incidentally, snowdrops are popular planting partners for elf crocuses.
- Wood anemone:This perennial is also used in spring as a young plant during the flowering period. Work some compost into the soil to encourage root formation.
Which flowers can you sow outside in February?
There are also a number of flowers that can now be sown outside. We list several species for which now is the right time. These include bearded carnations, begonias, coneflowers, snapdragons, African lilies, marigolds and decorative baskets (Cosmea).
The light germinatorsAmong those such as begonias, bearded carnations, snapdragons, coneflowers, decorative baskets and marigolds only need to be lightly pressed into moist soil or only lightly covered with soil. To protect the seeds from birds, you can also grow the flowers on the windowsill at home.
The only dark germinator in this list is the African lily. Their seeds are pressed deep into the earth.