One of the most exciting parts of a season's gardening has begun and is slowly but surely getting going: growing the first plants. Some seeds were sown and plants prepared in January and a few more specimens will be added in February. With this important step, you prepare each plant optimally for the somewhat harsher conditions outdoors, so that they can continue their growth outside with full strength. But which plants can you prefer in February?
Everyone is happy about harvesting their own, organically grown fruit. So that you can harvest delicious and healthy fruit in good time, it makes sense to prefer the vegetables on the windowsill. You can prefer the following plants in February:
The Mediterranean eggplant likes it warm
...and because it likes it warmer due to its origins, it also benefits from being sown indoors in February. This is the only way to give it enough time to mature before the end of the season. You can start growing them at the beginning of the monthEggplant starting. You can also prefer the following plants in February:
Prefer plants in February - chili for spicy treats and other pods
These spicy pods can be sown as early as January, but if you missed the time, it's far from too late. But you shouldn't wait much longer now. Sow the plants in nursery pots at the beginning of the month and leave themon the windowsillsprout. You can also prefer peppers in February, as they basically have the same requirements as their hot relatives.
Grow your own vegetables – When to sow kohlrabi?
You can grow this easy-care vegetable plant not only in February, but also in April and even June. After just one month of cultivation, the beet can be put into the bed, so for February sowing that means already in March. By the way, kohlrabi tastes good tooin the form of sproutswonderful.
Let lettuces grow bright and cool
You can sow some types of lettuce in February and then let them grow on the windowsill if you prefer to plant in February. They need a very bright, preferably even sunny place (like most plants you prefer). But it is important that they do not get too warm, because then the seeds cannot germinate. So if you have found a windowsill above the radiator for all the other plants, you should definitely avoid that with lettuce. After one and a half to two months you can harvest the first leaves.
When do you prefer tomatoes?
For most people, sowing tomatoes starts at the beginning of March at the earliest so that the plants don't get too big until after the Ice Saints and suffer from the lack of space in the growing pots. However, it is also possible to start doing this at the end of February. Come to regions with a milder climatethe young tomato plantstraditionally in the beds on the first of May.
To be on the safe side, you can simply sow a few tomatoes in February and more in March to test what works best for you. On the whole, however, the rule applies: grow tomatoes at least 6 weeks before the planting date.
Find out how to prick tomatoesin this article.
Prefer plants in February – Other varieties
- artichoke
- Cauliflower
- Celeriac
- Leek
- Parsley
- Physalis
- Rotkohl
- Celery stalks
- sweet potato
- Thymian
- White cabbage
- savoy
Growing flowers for the garden
Surely you want your garden to be beautifully colorful and flowery? Then you can grow some plants in February to make them more robust for outdoor use. Such areespecially summer bloomerssuch as:
Sow asters in February
At the end of February you can start sowing yoursAsters begin, so that they can be in their full bloom between July and October. The plants are only pricked out from the fourth leaf onwards. Remember that you should change the location of these flowers the following year.
Grow lobelia indoors for the garden
This pretty flower blooms from April until October. Since it has a very short germination time, you can also start sowing it indoors in February. They are light germinators, so you shouldn't cover the seeds too much with soil. Then plant them directly in clumps in pots and boxesor traffic lights.
What to prefer in February – Prepare the beautiful petunia
Sow these light germinators in February and prick out as soon as the first pair of leaves appear. Afterwards, the popular beauties thrive in pots, but also in beds and bloom from May until the first frost in autumn.
The purslane for full sun
The purslane looks really pretty both in beds and in containers. You can induce flowering a little earlier if you sow the seeds indoors in the winter (late February or early March) so that the flowers are already a certain size when you bring them outside. They bloom from May to October, especially in full sun.
Prefer plants in February – more flowers for the windowsill
You can also plant and prefer the following seeds and flower bulbs in February:
- Balsam
- Begonias
- Canna
- Chabaudnelke
- Cosmee
- Dahlie
- Nasturtium
- Levkoje
- Löwenmaul
- Ice plant
- Rittersporn
- Strawflower
- Zinnie
You might also be interested in:Which plants to prefer in February? Overview and tips