Which trees still need to be cut in March? These shrubs and trees need pruning and maintenance

You know that from March up to and including September you are no longer allowed to radically trim your hedges and trees and now you don't really dare to tackle other trees? Don't worry, there are still numerous plants that are not used by birds as nesting places and which you can still cut down now. We have summarized for you which trees you can still cut in March.

What should not be cut?

Trees, bushes and hedges, i.e. any densely growing trees in which birds nest and other small animals and insects could hide, are excluded from pruning from March onwards. The commonest here areespecially radical cuts, in which the plants are planted right up to the cane. Such pruning measures are necessary in spring, especially for hedges, in order to shape them on the one hand and to promote dense growth on the other, as well as to obtain a shape in which all parts of the plant receive the same amount of light (slightly pyramid-shaped cuts). What exceptions are there?

Which trees can you still cut in March? These are the exceptions

You can make grooming cuts at any time, even on those mentioned above.actually forbidden, woody plants. Care cuts include, among other things, light topiary cuts in which, for example, shoot tips are shortened (so you can continue to cut your well-shaped boxwood into shape with a clear conscience). Removing diseased or dried out plant parts is also permitted. But then there are also trees where more radical cuts are possible even during this period. Below you will find out which trees you can still cut in March.

Cut roses in March

Roses are not necessarily typical nesting places and can therefore be cut after March 1st. How exactly?Cut should look like, depends on the type of rose:

In general:

  • The stronger and faster a rose grows, the more sparingly you should cut it.
  • First remove and discard all diseased and dead parts. This way you minimize the risk of spreading diseases to the wounds caused by the cut.
  • Find the right interface: either over an eye or a side shoot. Leave a gap of approx. 5 millimeters to this.

Cut floribunda and roses correctly:

  • Pick four or five main shoots that are the strongest.
  • Cut off everything else except for the roots.
  • You also shorten the main shoots - at least by 20 cm, but not more than 40 cm.

Cutting shrub roses in March:

  • Determine the strength of the shoot.
  • Shorten weaker shoots by about half.
  • Stronger shoots should be about a third shorter after cutting than before.

Climbing roses:

  • No cuts that would interrupt growth.
  • Therefore only remove dried shoots.

Roses that only bloom once a year:

  • Only cut if necessary for thinning (if the rose has grown very densely and there is no longer enough light reaching the interior of the bush).
  • If you decide on a cut, it should always be light.

Prune lavender to prevent woodiness

Lavender tends to become woody over time. This can be prevented by radical pruning. This is usually carried out from February until mid-March. So you still have the optionto be carried out in a timely manner. Be careful not to remove too much. It's best to focus on the new shoots that have already appeared: place the cut a little above the new growth.

This is also the perfect time to remove diseased or dry branches. Here you can cut down to the base.

Which trees should be cut in March - What should be taken into account with fruit trees

You are allowed to prune trees in March as long as the pruning is normal. There arestrong growing fruit trees, which should definitely be trimmed in preparation for spring so that the fruits can thrive later. This also includes theFig tree, for example. Pruning prevents uncontrolled growth, so you can keep up with maintenance pruning throughout the rest of the season.

Since thinning is best done before new growth appears, February or March is usually optimal. If you're a little late, don't be afraid to do it, otherwise you'll probably miss out on a bountiful harvest. Also, don't forget to remove dead branches.

The advantage of cutting at a time when the branches already have new shoots is that you can better see which branches are more likely to be dominated by leaf growth and where flowers are forming. This makes it easier for you to decide what can go and what should stay. This also makes it easier to recognize dead parts - where nothing grows, there is no life.