May Gardening: 5 Essential Tasks for a Beautiful Garden

The days are getting longer and warmer in May, there is no longer any danger of frost, and there is a lot to do in the garden, greenhouse and vegetable patch. Put on your most trusty pair of gloves and get ready for May gardening! There are 5 essential tasks you should complete for a beautiful garden. Enjoy the sun outdoors while you work!

May Gardening – Maintaining the Lawn

In May the grass starts to grow like crazy. So start mowing now and try to do it once a week if possible. If you are surprised to see a jungle where the lawn used to be, set the mower to the highest cutting height. Ideally, you should not cut off more than a third of the grass blades at a time. You should then gradually return the cutting height to normal using the subsequent reductions. You can instead follow the new trend in May gardening anddon't mow the lawn.

Weeding and fertilizing the lawn should be done in May. Because the lawn grows so efficiently, it should fill in the gaps left by weed removal. Choose a day when it doesn't rain and feed your lawn. On the other hand, you can also consider certain parts of yourGarden with longer grassto leave. A good place to start is a corner behind a shed, at the edge of the garden, or even behind some trees. This can be of great benefit to the area's native flora and fauna.

Tasks for a beautiful garden – growing and sowing vegetables

Many vegetables not only grow better in cooler temperatures, but also taste sweeter. It is possible to directly sow leafy lettuces such as lettuce, spinach and kale, as well as root vegetables such as carrots, leeks and radishes.

Early May is the time for hardening off seedlings

Nighttime temperatures are still a bit cool for warm-weather vegetables like tomatoes and peppers. As the daytime temperatures rise, you can begin to acclimate the seedlings grown indoors to the outdoors by gradually and regulatedly moving them outdoors. While you're at it, consider moving some of your houseplants outside to the patio or balcony. After spending the past year under artificial lighting, they also need to get used to life outdoors.

Also read:Harden off potted plants in just 3 weeks: This is how it works!

Plant tomatoes, peppers etc. at the end of May

At the end of May, the heat-loving vegetables can be taken out of their hiding places and used.Tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers and other heat-loving vegetables can be safely planted in the garden once they have had the necessary time to harden off. Choose a site that receives 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily and stick to a regular schedule of watering, fertilization and other care to achieve an optimal harvest.

Take care of your ornamental garden

You should do these essential tasks!

Tasks for a beautiful garden – planting perennials

In May the ground becomes warmer and this is the best time to start planting perennials. Once established, these plants begin to grow faster. Only plants that are robust enough to survive light frost should be planted outdoors. However, if your garden rarely experiences cold weather, sensitive plants such as dahlias can also be planted there. Continue applying mulch until the plants have grown enough that you can still walk between them.

Keep weeds at bay

Keep weeds under control if possible. You can keep it in check by tilling the area with a quick hoe once a week so that the plants you want to grownot with the weedshave to compete for water, light or nutrients.

May gardening – planting summer tubers in the ground

If you planted spring-blooming bulbs in the fall, they should be in full bloom now, but they won't look as pretty for long. Summer bulbs like lilies, dahlias and gladioli are great for sprucing up your garden later in the season, when annuals areyou this monthbought, wither. This is because summer bulbs bloom later than annual plants. Plant the bulbs in the soil as soon as possible and space them out so they bloom one at a time.

Fight aphids

It is important to check the plants for aphid infestation. You can get rid of them by rinsing them off the buds with a hose. Using a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent in three liters of water, you can make a homemade soap solution against pests that can get the problem under control without the use of potentially dangerous pesticides. You can also use nettle broth as a control agent.

May Gardening – Water plants regularly

It is extremely important that plants are adequately watered, especially those grown in pots and containers. Place saucers under planters with dry plants that need water. If you planted new hedges in spring, be sure to water them regularly during the first growing season.