The morning glory (Calystegia sepium), together with its relative the field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), two species of morning glories, are considered weeds despite their pretty flowers due to their resistant growth and persistent spread. This year, many gardeners are once again feeling plagued by their appearance. What can we do to get rid of the resilient, delicate plant, without harming the environment if possible? We have put together some tips for you on how you can combat fence bindweed.
Fighting field bindweed: Characteristics of the plant
Although it looks beautiful, it climbs up other plants, winds itself around them and deprives them of nutrients and light. It keeps coming and its seeds spread easily and quickly through the wind. Sometimes it turns out to be a seasonal marathon to get rid of the seemingly delicate plant. The roots of the field bindweed, for example, can stretch over two meters long underground. In addition, it is difficult to free the plants affected by it from the morning glory. Getting rid of them requires commitment, perseverance and patience.
Keep cutting off the shoots
When you try to weed, you notice that the delicate morning glory stem breaks off very easily. The best and most gentle way to banish the plant from the garden is to repeatedly cut off its shoots at ground level with a garden hoe. Because the roots are resilient and persistent, this can potentially take the entire season. However, the roots will then be exhausted and no longer produce new shoots. If it seems too difficult for you to free the other plants from the residue of the climbing vine, you can leave them there after you have cut off the roots and let them dry out. They then fall off on their own.
Fight fence bindweed with home remedies
Because the plant grows up other plants the gardener wants, it is difficult to turn off the fence winch without affecting the other plants. However, you can try pouring hot water at the visible end of the root. This means that where you have cut off the stem and the root is still visible, you can work precisely and not harm other plants. Be careful, however, because where you scald the soil is literally growingno more grass.
With cardboard and bark mulch against the field bindweed
If you want to make it really easy for yourself, you can cover the area with sturdy cardboard after chopping off the shoots and then withCover with bark mulch. This causes the root to suffocate over time and the plant dies. However, if you use this method, you must be patient because it takes at least a year. In addition, it may also be difficult and laborious to remove the remaining cardboard and bark mulch.
Sprays against the field bindweed – better not!
For the sake of the environment, you should refrain from spraying herbicides because of a weed. This poisons the entire environment and kills beneficial insects such as bees. This would be like shooting sparrows with cannonballs. Consider whether you can use one of the other methods, because after all, exercising in gardening serves both your mind and your physical need for exercise, for example as a compensation for sitting for long periods of time at work.
Tip: create a raised bed
To your plants in advanceto protect against weed infestation, you can consider creating a raised bed. The fence winch doesn't get there so easily and you have saved yourself a lot of work. It is also easier and easier on your back to work on the raised bed when you have to weed or do other work on it.