Plant the pretty Glandularia flower as a ground cover in the garden

With ground cover you can wonderfully cover the gray and unsightly soil and use it as a replacement for lawn. Ground cover plants that impress with pretty flowers are particularly pretty. Today we present to you a very special example. It is the Glandularia (Glandularia rigid). The plant is a pretty eye-catcher and should not be missing in any garden.

The flowers impress with a rich shade of purple that simply leaves you speechless. The flowers don't just delight the eye at a certain time of year. The Glandularia flower as a ground cover decorates the ground with flowers from spring onwards throughout the garden season and right up until the end of the yearHerbstinto it.

Extra joy

But that's not all that makes this ground cover plant something special and a must in the garden. The plant's pretty flowers will not only attract all your friends to the garden, but will also attract colorful butterflies. In this way, the atmosphere in the garden becomes even more natural and pleasant.


It is an extremely easy-care plant. Because it is extremely robust, it can easily be planted in full sun. That's where she feels best, because temperatures from over 40 degrees to under 15 degrees don't bother her at all. For this reason, you don't have to worry about the flower dying in winter.


The Glandularia flower as a ground cover is also an invasive plant. This means that in regions with a mild and humid climate it will quickly take over the garden. For this reason, it is better to avoid it in such areas. Because once you're there, you can't get rid of them so quickly.


The soil should be well-drained and not retain water. Otherwise, the easy-care plant does not place any special demands on the soil. Dry periods are not a problem but actually limit growth.


As already mentioned, watering can be infrequent. In summer there is onethorough wateringstill take place at least every two weeks. In spring and autumn this can be reduced to every three weeks. The care, albeit minimal, must be continued in the winter. In the absence of rain, the plant needs to be watered once a month.

DieOpticsthe Glandularia flower

The purple flowers are particularly effective thanks to the dark green leaves and stems. The leaves are five to 10 cm long and have a rough surface that is reminiscent of sandpaper. The leaves fall off in winter but grow back again in spring.

Ground coveras a single plant

The plants are without a doubt a great idea for creating a romantic and natural-looking garden. However, such plants can also be used as individual plants. In the example above you can see a great combination of glandularia, primroses (Oenothera mexicana), Oregano-Lavender (Lavandula multifida) and germander sage (Salvia chamaedryoides).


So that you can enjoy the flowers at any time and they can be clearly seen, it is best to plant the Glandularia flower as a ground cover in the front areas of beds. This also applies to all low-growing plants. Alsoalong garden pathsThe flowers look very good as a bed border or even on a slope. An attractive purple carpet is quickly created.

Combine skilfully

The Glandularia flower as a ground cover can be wonderfully combined with other ground covers to create a mix of different colors. Both contrasting colors and different shades of the same color are suitable. The already mentioned oregano-lavender is a great variant. Here are a few more ideas about which types go together:

damageNuancesfor romance

You can create a cold color palette by using, for example, a lighter style. These are suitableGlandularia pulchella, Convolvulus cneerum, Enstemon parryiandMelampodium leucanthum. They all have bright flower colors and highlight the plant well.

ForTexturescare for

DieDasylirion wheeleriis a great variant to achieve contrasts. It is an ornamental grass with a grayish color that you can use as a ground cover in the flower bed with the Glandularia flower to also get an interesting texture. The gold ball cactus also provides texture (Echinocactus grusonii), but it requires a mild climate and is therefore better grown in a pot and placed in the bed.

ColoredIn contrast

If you want to get color contrasts when you plant the Glandularia flower, you also have different options. You can add yellow accents with theTetraneuris acaulisput while the plantPenstemon eatoniifor red and thoseJustice spicigeraprovides a splash of orange color.

Ground coverin the foreground

If you want to create a bed of plants with different heights, use the plant in the foreground. You can then decorate the area behind it with ornamental shrubs such as the emus bushes (Eremophila hygrophana) with purple flowers, the Cape honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis) in red, the white flowering shrubCordia parvifoliaor the peacock bush (The most beautiful Caesalpinia) or the yellow trumpet flower (Tecoma stans). Find out which of the plants can survive the cold winter.

flower inWinterprotect

Although the plant does well even in very cold temperatures, it certainly doesn't hurt to provide suitable protection just in case. After all, you never know what Mother Nature has prepared for you. A layer of mulch is very suitable.


In spring, cut the Glandularia flower back to the ground as a ground cover. You can repeat the whole thing once or twice in the summer. In this way, you not only limit growth, but also ensure that the ground cover plants grow and bloom more luxuriantly. Whenever you cut the plant, it will quickly grow back.