Which types of bellflowers are suitable as ground cover and how to care for them

Time to tackle this year's garden design! With the huge selection of flowers and plants, this is anything but an easy task, at least if you want to try something new. We would like to suggest the wonderfully beautiful bluebell as a ground cover. Interested?

Foto: Krasula/ Shutterstock

The beautiful flowers come in different variations. So that it really spreads to the ground, you have to choose the right one. Perhaps you would also like to combine your ground cover with hanging or herbaceous varieties?

Bellflower species and their growth forms

Photo: Manfred Ruckszio/Shutterstock

There are many types of bellflowers and they all differ in their growth and flowers. What types of bellflowersuitable as a ground coveryou can find out from the following list:

  • Adriatic bellflower
  • Dalmatian bellflower
  • Hanging Cushion Bellflower
  • Carpathian bellflower
  • Low bluebell
  • Round-leaved bellflower
  • Star bellflower
  • Dwarf bellflower

How to plant and care for the bellflower as a ground cover

The correct location, use in the garden and care can vary depending on the type of bluebell. Here you will find an overview of the examples mentioned above. All types are:

  • hardy
  • insect friendly
  • floriferous and sometimes permanent bloomers
  • edible

The Campanula fenestrellata is partially hardy

Foto: agatchen/ Shutterstock

This species is the Adriatic or Croatian bellflower, which prefers a sunny to partially shaded location. Avoid overly dry soil by watering regularly. The plant reaches a width and height of between 10 and 15 cm, is deciduous and partially hardy, with blue flowers in June and July. Use the bellflower as a ground cover orin the rock garden.

Dalmatian bellflower as a ground cover

Photo: Edimoh/Shutterstock

The Campanula portenschlagiana is cushion-forming and scores with a long flowering period from May to July. Depending on the variety, it only grows 10 to 20 cm high and 10 to 30 cm wide. It is aevergreen specimen, which is perennial and hardy thanks to its enormous frost tolerance (down to minus 34 degrees). The blue to purple flowers are edible.

The plant needs a sunny to partially shaded location and dry to fresh soil without waterlogging. Use the plant for:

  • Rock garden
  • Mauer
  • container plant
  • Houseplant

Plant hanging cushions with longer shoots

Foto: Max_555/ Shutterstock

The interesting hanging cushion bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana) grows 10 to 20 cm high and 10 to 40 cm wide, depending on the variety, although the tendrils can sometimes reach a length of 70 cm. It is a veryeasy-care flower, which blooms continuously from May to September - a real permanent bloomer with flowers in blue, violet, pink or white.

Find a sunny to semi-shady location with fresh to dry soil for this species. You can not only use the specimen as a hanging plant, but also treat it like a creeping bellflower. Decorate with:

  • roofs
  • Rock gardens
  • bucket
  • Discounts
  • Buckets on balconies and terraces

Tall, ground-covering bellflower species from the mountains

Foto: Flower_Garden/ Shutterstock

The Carpathian bellflower (Carpathian campanula) comes, as the name suggests, from mountainous regions, so it's no wonder that theyextremely frost tolerantis. Depending on the variety, the flowers appear in different colors such as white, light blue, or dark purple during the summer months.

The soil for the 10 to 50 cm high and 10 to 30 cm wide plants is preferably loamy, with a location in full sun or partial shade. Use the bellflower as a ground cover or as desired for:

  • flowerbed
  • Discounts
  • Rock garden
  • Roof
  • bucket

Low bellflower with light blue flowers

Photo: Svitlyk/Shutterstock

The Campanula garganica grows 10 to 20 cm high and wide and blooms in light blue in June and July. It is a winter-hardy ground cover for the blazing sun, but you should also provide it with enough water, because fresh soil is essential. A loamy soil is preferable because it retains moisture.

Adorn with this beauty:

  • Rock garden
  • Steinfugen
  • roofs
  • the edges of the beds and beds themselves
  • bucket

The round-leaved type with white flowers

Foto: Linn Thoering/ Shutterstock

The round-leaved bellflower (Campanula rotundifolia) and more specifically the variety 'White Gem' is ground-covering and carpet-forming, with a height of 10 to 40 cm and a width of 10 to 20 cm. Thispermanent flowering specimen(from June to September) impresses with its white flower spikes, which you can use to decorate various garden elements.

The flower likes it sunny, whereby the soil is ideally kept fresh, but can also be dry at times without harming it. Another plus point is that the round-leaved variety is wintergreen and therefore also decorates in winter. The bellflower is suitable as a ground cover and for:

  • Roof garden
  • Rock garden
  • Staudenbeet
  • bucket

Star bellflower with an extremely long flowering period

Foto: MBarann/ Shutterstock

The beautiful Campanula isophylla grows to a height of 10 to 20 cm and a width of 15 to 20 cm, making it quite compact. It is also characterized by an extraordinarily long flowering period, namely from April to October, during which itlight blue flowersproduces.

The flower particularly likes sandy to loamy and fresh to moist soil in a sunny place, then the perennial grows splendidly in the container and garden.

The dwarf varieties for particularly compact growth

Foto: R. Maximiliane/ Shutterstock

The low-growing dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochleariifolia) blooms in the summer monthswith blue flowersand, depending on the variety, grows to a height of 5 to 15 cm and a width of 10 to 20 cm. It is extremely insect-friendly and will attract many bees to your garden. Provide the cushion bellflowers with well-drained and fresh to dry soil, where the location can be in both sun and shade. The bellflower is perfect as a ground cover, but also:

  • for green roofs
  • for rock gardens
  • for dry stone walls
  • Container planting