Flowering ground cover plants have numerous outdoor applications. This means that the rock garden can also be planted and becomes a true oasis for insects and garden animals. We list the 8 most beautiful undemanding perennials.
Flowering ground cover plants add variety to the garden. Not only are they eye-catching, but they can also successfully suppress weeds, provide food, shelter and even nesting places for insects, birds and garden animals and reduce water evaporation from the soil. Many ground cover plants also exude a pleasant scent during the flowering period.
When it comes to care, most species are fairly undemanding. As true sun worshipers, they need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily, even in autumn and winter. But they are really very frost hardy and can easily withstand wind, snow and sub-zero temperatures. Only some species, mostly hybrids, need a thin layer of giant so that the water in the soil does not evaporate too quickly.
1. Sand thyme: Robust, evergreen perennial for joints
The sand thyme is the classic among flowering, evergreen ground cover plants. It is insect-friendly and provides food for pollinators, grows quickly and forms thick carpets, is very robust and easy to care for. Bonus point: All varieties give off a pleasant scent. Don't let its delicate flowers fool you - it is a very robust and undemanding plant. As long as it is sunny, it blooms tirelessly from June to August. Heat, drought and nutrient-poor soil don't bother him. It only needs a layer of mulch in winter so that the water in the soil does not evaporate too quickly.
Areas of application: For planting in joints, for spicing up the rock garden, as a bed border, for green roofs.
2. Stonecrop carpet for the rock garden
In June, the sedum produces countless delicate flowers and delights the hobby gardener. The perennial is evergreen and a real eye-catcher even in winter. The compact growth - it reaches a maximum height of around 15 cm - also makes it the perfect planting partner in the flower box or pot. The sedum prefers a sunny spot where it can attract bees. It is also resistant to urban climates and winter hardy.
Areas of use: Rock garden, as a solitary plant in large pots or in combination with other perennials.
3. Blue cushion is a drought-resistant perennial
If you are looking for a drought-resistant, hardy perennial for gardens with slopes or steps, then Rosalia Blue Cushion is the right choice for you. The perennial blooms tirelessly in spring and then enchants with its attractive, evergreen leaves. Thanks to its growth height of 10 cm. It has numerous uses in the garden and on the balcony. As long as it gets enough sunlight, it doesn't make any special demands and is a fairly easy plant to care for.
Areas of use: as a gap filler in sunny beds, for planting on walls and as ground cover between the joints of the garden path.
4. Mountain chickweed for bee pasture
With its delicate white flowers, mountain chickweed is the perfect addition to any bee pasture or container garden. The height is 15 cm, the plant forms a thick carpet and can push out weeds. Although it tolerates shade, flower production quickly diminishes. A location in full sun in the garden offers the perfect conditions for wonderful flowers between May and June.
Areas of application: bee pasture, natural garden, rock garden
5. Yellow-flowering ground cover: Carpet yarrow
The carpet yarrow is a hardy, yellow-flowering perennial. It not only scores points with its bright flower umbels, which appear in early May and wither in early August, but also with its gentle aroma. Extremely easy to care for, this ground cover prefers poor soil and a sunny spot. It copes well with long periods of drought even without watering and is a valuable source of food for bees etc. After the end of the flowering period, the flowers on the stem dry up and decorate the ground cover until spring.
Areas of application: wildflower meadows, rock gardens, when planting former gravel gardens.
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6. Hardy spring carnation for the stone bed
Spring carnation is a beautiful, low-growing perennial that produces color-changing flowers from May to late October. This hybrid plant is more demanding, but the effort is worth it because, when properly cared for, it rewards you with wonderful flowers. A location in full sun, a permeable, nutrient-rich soil and regular watering are important prerequisites for a long flowering period. The plant is hardy and does not need any frost protection.
Areas of use: In groups for the stone bed, as a soloist in the pot, also perfect as a gap filler in the sunny flower bed.
Also read:Bellflower as a ground cover: Which species are suitable?
The ice plant is a compact ground cover that produces delicate, crystal-shaped flowers. What is typical for the hybrid is that its flowers only open at midday. The flowering period is really long - the bright orange flowers delight the eye from May to October. The maximum growth height is already reached at 15 cm. After the end of the flowering period, the perennial attracts attention with its evergreen leaves. It is resistant to urban climates and can be planted all year round. Apart from a location in the sun, the ice plant has no special requirements. It is very disease-resistant and can easily withstand frost and heat.
Areas of application: small garden, pot, mini rock garden
8. Alpine aster for slope gardens and stone walls
The Alpine aster is the perfect ground cover for sloped properties. This is also a great way to plant steps and walls - because it comes from the Alps and is ideal for poor soil and slopes. The flowering period in spring makes it the perfect plant for bee pastures. The Alpine aster is hardy and super robust.
Areas of application: slope garden, stone wall, stairs and steps
Flowering ground cover plants are much more than just eye-catchers. They are also an easy-care option for greening areas and are ideal for the rock garden, gravel bed oras a lawn replacement. They are hardy, robust and provide food and hiding places for insects and small garden animals. The ground cover plants also look good in pots, where they can be planted as soloists or in combination with other plants.
Also interesting:Ground cover plants are hardy and flowering: These are the most beautiful species in the garden for sun and shade