The great thing about upholstery perennials is that they have a compact and, above all, dense growth and therefore grow over time and form real carpets of flowers. Which hardy upholstery perennials are particularly beautiful and easy to care for? What can you plant in sun, partial shade or shade?
With these low-growing plants you can create a monochromatic sea of flowers from one type of perennial, but also a colorful combination of different species and flower colors. But they also work very well as solitary plants for flower tuffs here and there.
Beautiful species for sunny locations
Most plants don't have an easy time of it in this extreme location. But there are species that can easily withstand heat and drought. Whether as a winter hardyGround cover for rock gardensor garden borders, these beauties make the garden really colorful.
Upholstered evening primrose for rock gardens or perennial beds
Anyone on onelong flowering phasevalue, meets with the upholstery evening primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa) definitely a wonderful choice. The yellow flowers decorate the bed from June to September and also emit a pleasant, lemony scent that attracts insects. Also ideal for a bee-friendly garden. The yellow cushion perennial only grows to a maximum height of 25 cm and likes it loamy, sandy and dry.
The sun-loving roller spurge
This creeping succulent not only offers pretty yellow flowers, but also has interesting foliage in a blue-green color. Also the roller spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites) does not exceed the height of 25 cm and spreads quite rapidly in all directions. The plants are not only very robust during the growth phase, but alsodecorate as evergreensCushion perennials, which are also hardy, decorate the garden even in winter and make it appear less bare. The soil is ideally calcareous, but above all well-drained and dry.
More ideas for hardy cushion perennials for the sun
- Blaukissen (Aubrieta)
- Blood cranesbill (Blood geranium)
- Grasnelke (Maritime armoury)
- Goldsedum
- Pentecost carnation (Dianthus Gratianopolitanus)
- Pentecost Violet (Viola sororia)
- Upholstery Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa)
- Polsterphlox (Phlox subulata)
- Hot stonecrop (Sedum acre)
- Candytuft (Aubrieta)
- Only the white ones
- Steinkraut (Alyssum)
- Carpet Bellflower (Campanula)
- Teppichsedum
Also read:Bellflower as a ground cover: Which species are suitable?
Hardy cushion perennials for partial shade
Hardy upholstered perennials that thrive neither in full sun nor in low-light shade should be planted in a partially shaded location. The following specimens, for example, can tolerate a little less sun.
Creeping Günsel in the herbaceous bed
Der Kriechende Günsel (Ajuga reptans) scores, among other things, with its pretty foliage. But in order for it to shine in all its glory, these upholstery perennials must be in partial shade. There are also purple flowers that blend in perfectly with the leaves. Overall, you get a plant carpet that will definitely stand out. Make sure that the location is not too shady, as this will cause the leaf colors to fade. Look for evergreen, hardy cushion perennials that are alsoeffectively prevent weed growth, you are making a great choice.
White, hardy flowers
You can get white cushion perennials with the woodruff (Gallium scented), but that doesn't mean that the perennial bed will be boring. The small flowers come into their own surprisingly well amidst the equally pretty leaves between April and May. As soon as the shoots begin to wilt, the plant will bloompleasant, sweet scentout of. So a location near a seating area is a good idea to enjoy it. The woodruff is quite undemanding when it comes to soil. It can be either sandy or clayey.
Other perennials as ground cover for partial shade
- bearskin grass (Festuca gautieri)
- Blaurote Steinsame (Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum)
- Garden Grass Star (Rhodohypoxia baurii)
- Large-spotted lungwort (Pulmonaria saccharata)
- heart leaf bowl (Jefferson's doubts)
- Heuchera
- lipped mouth (Small reptans)
- Stonecrop (Sedum acre)
- Upholstery phlox (Phlox subulata)
- Cushion thyme (Precocious thymus), also sunny, for Mediterranean ground cover
- porcelain flowers (Saxifraga x cities)
- Soft lady's mantle (Alchemilla soft)
- White-colored gourd (Aegopodium podagraria)
What can you plant in the shade?
The shade is also a relatively extreme location because plants usually need a lot of light to thrive. But some species have adapted to these difficult conditions.
Carpet golden strawberry with yellow flowers
The carpet goldberries bloom bright yellow (Waldsteinia ternata) and even thatdespite the lack of sun. You won't get a sunny location at all, so you should be careful in this regard. It reaches a maximum height of 15 cm, but usually around 10 cm, so that it forms a perfect carpet. Not only the flowers are pretty to look at, but also the jagged leaves. The soil should be loose and humus-rich, but even if it is drier, that doesn't affect the plant. Provide the golden strawberry with sufficient nutrients. Remember that the berries are not poisonous, but they are not edible either.
You can also choose these ground cover cushion perennials
- Heuchera (also as cushion perennials for partial shade)
Some low, hardy perennialscan also be found here.