The grave planting in spring is coming up! You can plant this soon

After you have decorated your deceased loved one's grave appropriately before winter, the time for spring planting is now approaching. Finally it will be really colorful and lively again and then there will be the beautiful Easter season when you can add suitable decorations. What could you choose for grave planting in spring?

Foto: papillondream/Shutterstock

Typical early bloomers and spring flowers, grave decorations for Easter, ground cover for spring and summer and much more - now you can really get your hands on them. But when choosing, always consider possible late frosts, which not every plant can tolerate.


If you want the grave design to last longer for spring, it is best to plant directly on the grave area. Also choose local,easy-care flowers and plants, which would not die straight away even if you did not take proper care of them, but can cope with the natural weather and location conditions.

Bulbs with spring flowers

We're sure spring flowers were one of the first things that came to mind. And yes, we also think that they simply belong there.

Ideally, the flower bulbs should be planted on the grave in autumn. This gives them enough time to get used to the new location and grow before they sprout in the spring. At the beginning of the new gardening season, there will certainly be plenty of onions available again, some even with shoots. However, you should keep in mind that these plants are even more sensitive and could be damaged by subsequent frost (e.g. it could affect flowering).

Popular and beautiful bulb flowers that are suitable for grave planting in spring are:

  • Bluestar
  • Hyacinths
  • Crocuses
  • March cup
  • Daffodils
  • Schachbrettblumen
  • snowdrop
  • Tulips
  • Winterling
  • Ornamental garlic

How to plant bulbous flowers correctly

  • You should loosen the soil well beforehand.
  • Dig a small hole for the onion.
  • Put the onion in it.
  • Add potting soil to make it easier for onion roots to grow.
  • For example, plant three or larger groups of one type of flower.

Combine with these cemetery plants

Foto: papillondream/Shutterstock

The early bloomers in particular naturally end their flowering phase before the end of spring. For this reason it is worth combining them with other beautiful flowers. If planted at the same time, they will bloom until the beginning of summer, depending on the species. For example, planting graves with horned violets is very popular. But pansies are also among the classics. Which flowers can go on the grave now?

What other typical funeral flowers are:

  • Anemone
  • daisy
  • horned violets
  • Lenzrosen
  • Goldlack-Schöterich
  • First
  • The buttercup
  • Cowslips
  • Pansies
  • violet
  • Forget-me-nots

How about a little tree on the grave:Which trees are perfect for graves? How about this!

Contrasting colors or would you prefer tone-on-tone?

Foto: Johanna Muehlbauer/Shutterstock

When designing the grave design of a double grave, a single grave and an urn grave, you are of course free to choose how you combine the plants and colors with each other. Some people like it colorful, others prefer a system. No matter which group you belong to: In the following list, we have grouped the types of flowers mentioned above again by color:

Beautiful grave design with ideas for blue flowers:

  • Anemone blanda
  • horned violets
  • Hyacinths
  • Crocus
  • Prime
  • Pansies
  • Traubenhyazinthen
  • Forget-me-nots

Planting the grave in spring – blooming in yellow:

  • horned violets
  • Daffodils
  • First
  • The buttercup
  • Pansies
  • Cowslips
Photo: gerd-harder/Shutterstock

If you prefer red color, choose plants for graves:

  • Daisies/Bellis
  • horned violets
  • First
  • Pansies
Foto: Beekeepx/Shutterstock

You can plant graves in puristic white with these specimens:

  • daisy
  • horned violets
  • Hyacinths
  • Daffodils
  • Prime
  • The buttercup
  • snowdrop
  • Pansies
  • Forget-me-nots

You can choose plants from any color group and combine them with each other. You can mix the types of flowers or stick to one and the same but in different colors. A lush carpet of pansies is very pretty and popular.

Ideas for the summercan be found here.

Green, silver, red grave plants in spring - decorative foliage plants for the grave

In addition to the colorful flowers, you can also add one or two green plants. It doesn't matter whether it's used as a bed border, as a demarcation in the middle of the grave between two types or colors of flowers or to decorate a corner of the grave. The simple green perfectly balances the bright colors of the flowers and creates structure.

Foto: Contadora1999/Shutterstock

In principle, all plants that can be planted in spring can be brought to the grave. Which one is best depends on what care it requires and how much time you can devote to it. Invasive plant species are also typically banned in cemeteries, so you should avoid them.

Below you will find a list of pretty plants, some of which are...Ground cover for the gravebe chosen. They do bloom, but it is primarily the foliage and their ease of care that make them so valued.

These green plants and ground cover plants are often seen on graves:

  • Fat man
  • ivy
  • Fetthenne
  • Feather upholstery
  • Houseleek
  • Cat paws
  • Small evergreen
  • Lavender heather (shadow bells)
  • Purple bells
  • Red elf flower
  • Mockberry
  • Silver wire
  • prickly nuts
  • Wollziest

Planted bowls for the cemetery in spring

Foto: ifiStudio/Shutterstock

Regardless of whether you want to create an urn grave or a normal grave - plant bowls are very popular as an alternative to direct planting and can be changed at any time, depending on the season and occasion. Pansies in particular quickly find their place as grave flowers in such grave bowls, but combinations with other plants are also very popular.

Foto: Contadora1999/Shutterstock

Heather and daffodils, for example, add height to the arrangement. A beautiful combination is also this one made of hyacinths, primroses and daffodils - all typical flowers for the grave in spring. You can also insert grave decorations for Easter into bowls.

Photo: MiSchu/Shutterstock

If you have decided to decorate the grave with gravel or completely seal it with stone, but still want to add a bit of color, plant bowls are also a great idea, as you can see in the pictures.

Foto: CinemaPhoto/Shutterstock

Tipp:All plant species mentioned are of course also suitable for animal graves. If you need more tips, take a lookover here.

Also read:15 summer flowers for graves: blooms in the cemetery