Design animal grave in the garden: What are you allowed to do, what not and which plants are suitable?

The loss of a beloved pet is without a question one of the most painful moments in life. And of course you want to make the final resting place of this part of the family nicely and honor the animal. It is usually your own garden that is chosen for this purpose. How can you design the animal grave in the garden? Do you need a few ideas and suggestions?

Can you bury your animal at all and if so, where? Do you have to comply with certain rules? We explain this with subsequent grave design ideas.

Can you bury pets?

Animal graves now seem to be a normal thing and there is actually the possibility of bury your animal in a special animal cemetery or even in a human-animal cemetery. Even the cremation is an option. Either way, it is about avoiding epidemics, which is why the legislator exercises a certain amount of control in this regard.

If you can bury animals in the garden, there are additional regulations that differ depending on the state if the burial is allowed at all. If the cat and dog grave in the garden in your country is generally permitted, it is usually the same regulations as in others that you should adhere to here:

  • You can only bury a pet in the garden, no farm animals.
  • The cause of death is extremely important: if it was contagious sick, it is not allowed in the garden.
  • Sleeped animals are not allowed in the garden. The anesthetic can get into the groundwater.
  • The weight plays an important role and differs depending on the federal state.
  • It must be your private property (sometimes permits from the owner are also possible) and the grave should be at least 2 meters from the side property or public areas.
  • How deep must an animal grave be? A depth of at least 50 cm is important because wild animals can track down the dead animal and dig up.
  • Special permits may be necessary.

Before animals in the garden - this is how they do it right

If you want to design your animal grave in the garden, there are a few things to consider not only to get a visually beautiful grave, but also not to harm the environment.

  • Do not use artificial materials, but use those that naturally rotten. In the past, plastic bags were common because they should also protect against any smells. But if you dig deep enough, you don't need to worry about it. Instead, cloths from natural textiles are a better choice, just like boxes and paper towels.
  • The already mentioned distance of 50 centimeters refers to the distance between the surface of the earth and the animal. So this means that you have to dig deeper, the greater the pet (this applies in principle to dogs).
  • You can distribute lime under the animal body. This not only neutralizes any smells, but also promotes the decay process.
  • As with human grave, a small hill on the grave is part of it. The earth gradually slips over time. So that you do not have to fill up the grave site later, it is better to ensure with a mound.
  • You can then design the animal grave in the garden, just as you like. You get a few inspirations and ideas from us.

Design animal grave in the garden - what can you plant and set up?

In principle, everything is allowed that you would also set up or plant with a normal grave. But just read on for a few inspirations.

Memorial stone for dog, cat and Co.

For the human grave, there are also beautiful tombstones for our little friends in various shapes and sizes, from different materials and designs and with engravings. Accordingly, you can have grave stones made individually.

Grave jewelry in different versions

In addition to the tombstone for the animal grave, other accessories can be used. The traditional candle in the lantern or candle holder is only one option. A wreath or arrangement is also well suited, especially if you want to commemorate the day of death, for example. For everyday life, it is more worthwhile for easy -care grave jewelry, which does not have to be replaced regularly, such as:

Design animal grave in the garden - easy -care burial plants

You want to design the animal grave in the garden, which of course makes it a lot easier to maintain it than if you have to go to the cemetery again and again. While for the usual grave design mostlyHeat and dry-resistant plantsIt can also be chosen in your own garden, there can also be a little more needy plants - depending on how much time you want and want to invest.

Since the animal grave is usually quite small in the area, you don't need many specimens. This also reduces the time expenditure, so that every season can set new plants as soon as the previous ones have faded. So you get a new, beautiful grave decorations for every season.

Plant shells are also a great option if you design an animal grave in the garden. There are planted grave shells with water reservoirs that are supposed to facilitate irrigation in cemeteries, but can also be very useful in their own garden.

Also interesting:Environmentally friendly grave design with grave flowers & grave decorations

Plants with which you can design the dog grave

For dogs, for example, choose plants, the name of which refers to the animal, that is, the word “dog” or also also “wolf”. Such are:

  • Dogwood (Horn)
  • Färber-Wau (Reseda)
  • Dogskamille (Anthemis)
  • Dog rose (Canine rose)
  • Hundsveilchen (Viola Canina)
  • Dog tooth (Erythronium)
  • Dog root (Anacampsis)
  • Dog tongue (Cynoglossum)
  • Wolf milk (Euphorbia esula)

Design cat grave with these popular plants

Cats are fairly delicate animals and known for their velvet paws. That is why flowers, which also appear tender in their color or texture, are very popular for the cat's grave in the garden. Such are, for example:

  • Astern, e.g. summer asters (Callistephus chinensis)
  • Heather (Erica)
  • Cat mint (Nepeta)
  • Lavender (Washed)
  • Daffodil (Narcissus)
  • Stiefmütterchen (Viola)
  • Tulip (Come)
  • Forget -make (Myosotis)
  • Winterlinge (Eranushis hyemalis)

Popular spring flowers for the pet grave

In the early autumn, the perfect time is to make the coming spring before. If you want to admire colorful flowers on the pet grave early, set inOctober the flower bulbs. With a little luck, there can even be a blossom in late autumn.

It is best to wait until spring for other spring flowers so that there are no frost damage. Are well suited:

  • Daisy (Bellis perennial)
  • Garten-stepmothers (Viola x wittrockiana)
  • Horn violets (Viola cuckold)
  • Hyazinthe (Blue orientalis)
  • Primeln (Daisy vulgaris)
  • Daffodil (Narcissus sp.)
  • Tulip (Tulipa Cultivars)
  • Forget -me -not (Myosotis sylvatica)

Flowers for the grave in summer

Depending on the location, summer bloomers are necessary in summer, either a lot, moderately orneed little water- Depending on how much time you can invest. Choose plants that are not too massive. Even shrubs who no longer need additional care after the first year of familiarization are well suited to design a nice place that looks beautiful all year round. For example, the hibis discussion is very nice and easy to care for.

  • Eisbegonia (Begonia semperflorens)
  • Flaming kathchen (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)
  • Fuchsien (Fuchsia)
  • Fetthenne (Sedum)
  • Hardworking Lieschen (Impatiens walleriana)
  • Geranie (Pelargonium)
  • Lavender (Lavand lamped)
  • Steinkraut (Lobularia maritima)
  • Tages (Tages)
  • Magic snow (Euphorbia)

Soil cover for the grave are also a popular variant if you don't have a stone slab and want to cover the grave surface.

Grave design in autumn for the pet

Also in autumn there are wonderful specimens that are not only popular cemetery plants that are alsoFor the autumnalAnimal grave in the garden. This could plant the small grave:

  • Alpine violets (Cyclamen)
  • Christrose (Helloreus Niger), also for winter
  • Wire bushes (Muehlenbeckia)
  • Ivy (Ivy)
  • Purple bells (Geraschea)
  • Sternmoos (Sagina SugUed)
  • Schein berries (Gaultheria)
  • Silberblatt (Lunaia)
  • Silver basket (Calocephalus brownii)
  • Barbed wire (Calocephalus brownii)
  • Winter- (Erica meat) and Besenheide (Calluna vulgaris)
  • Dwarf Mispel (Cotoneaster)

Grave design in winter: Examples of plants

Some of the plants that we have already mentioned in the lists above also comethrough the winterVery good and decorate the graving site not only with hardy leaves, but sometimes even with flowers (Christmas rose, for example). With which burial plants should you design the animal grave in the garden at the latest from autumn so that it can get used to the location until winter?

  • Besenheide (Calluna vulgaris)
  • Christrose (Helloreus Niger)
  • Fat her (Sedum)
  • Evergreen (Minor wine)
  • Small winterling (Eranushis hyemalis)
  • Scheinberry (Gaultheria stoop)
  • Snowdrops (Galanthus)
  • Snow heath (Erica meat)
  • Kucklay dwarf (Cotoneaster pondmeri)
  • Waldsteinie (Waldsteinia Ternata)

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