If cucumbers bloom but do not bear fruit: what to do? We clarify the causes and provide the solutions!

When cucumbers bloom but don't produce fruit, it can frustrate any gardener. You are probably wondering why this problem is happening and what you can do about it. Failure to produce fruit can be caused by poor pollination. The varieties you grow also matter. Growing conditions (such as temperature, weather and nitrogen levels) also affect pollination and flower formation. Sometimes you just need patience to get fruit from your plants. However, there are also times when you can take steps to encourage fruiting. In this article we will talk about why cucumbers bloom but do not bear fruit. We will also give you some ideas on how to solve the problem.

How do the varieties affect production?

Cucumbers can be divided into 3 types: monoecious, gynoecious and parthenocarpic. Depending on the type of cucumber, you may need more than one plant for pollination and fruiting.

  • Monoecious species produce both male and female flowers on the plant. Although the plant produces both male and female flowers, they do not necessarily bloom at the same time. In cucumbers, it is common for the male flowers to appear first, sometimes a week or two before the female flowers. This time difference can sometimes result in poorer pollination.
  • Gynoecious varieties generally have only female flowers on the plant, although in some cases some male flowers may also appear. The main advantage of these types of cucumbers is that they produce more female flowers, allowing for a higher yield per plant. For this reason, these varieties are often used in commercial production.
  • The parthenocarpic type is a variety that can bear fruit without pollination, but which does not contain seeds. The main advantage of this variety is that it can bear fruit without pollination, whichwhen growing cucumbersis an advantage in the greenhouse. The biggest disadvantage is that the fruits do not contain seeds, so seeds cannot be saved for next year. Some common parthenocarpic varieties include Sweet Success, Diva, Tasty Jade and Telegraph.

The main reason for this problem is that the fruits have not been pollinated, so the plant does not put additional energy into developing the fruits because seeds do not develop. There can be several reasons for this:

  • The number of pollinators present is low or they are inactive. (This may happen in rainy weather).
  • The cucumber variety grown is a hybrid variety that only produces female flowers on the plant.
  • Fruit production is affected by unfavorable climatic or soil conditions.

To determine what is the cause of the problem, look for male flowers on the cucumber (how to determine the difference between male and female flowers is explained later in the article). If there are no male flowers, you will need to plant a second variety of cucumber that produces male flowers (monoecious). If male flowers are present, hand pollination is required to ensure fruit formation.

How to increase fruit production

To improve crop production, two basic things must be done. Firstly, the number of male flowers must be increased, and secondly, the pollination rate of female flowers must be increased. The most effective method is to increase the number of monoecious plants in your garden. Because these varieties produce both male and female flowers, the number of male flowers naturally increases. Because male flowers are capable of pollinating many female flowers, it only takes a few plants to make a significant difference. However, it is important to note that, as mentioned above, there is a slight timing difference in the production of male and female plants that can affect pollination.

If cucumbers bloom but do not bear fruit: increase pollination rates

The easiest way to hand pollinate cucumbers is to use a fine brush. The brush is an effective tool for transferring pollen from male to female flowers.

  • For pollination, look for the male flowers on the cucumber vines. Gently press the brush into the center of the flower and twist it a few times to collect as many pollen grains as possible.
  • Place the brush with the collected pollen on the middle part of the female flower and gently move the tip of the brush over the flower. This ensures that the pollen grains are transferred to the female flower.
  • Dip the brush into another male flower and continue the pollination process.

Also read:Pollinate cucumber flowers: With these tips, pollination works without any problems!

Alternatives to hand pollination
An alternative to hand pollination is to use a traditional spray to pollinate your cucumbers. The spray contains kinetin, a plant hormone that causes flowers to bear fruit even without pollination. It is best to spray it on the flowers and surrounding foliage once a week when the flowers appear.

Difference between male and female flowers

The easiest way to identify a female flower is that it has a small, undeveloped fruit behind the flower. The fruit only develops if it is pollinated. In addition, the flower appears alone and not in a bouquet. Male cucumber flowers have shorter and thinner stems supporting the flower and often appear in clusters of 3 to 5 flowers. Their only job is to provide pollen for the female flowers; they do not bear fruit. Some examples of monoecious varieties include Marketmore, Itachi Lemon and Striped Armenian.

Other factors affecting fruit production

In addition to plant choice, other factors that can affect performance are general climatic conditions and soil nutrients.

  • The temperature can affect flower formationSignificantly affect cucumber plants. If you live in regions where unpredictable late frosts are common, your plants are at greater risk. At low temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, slow growth can occur and plants can be damaged. A frost kills the plants. When it is hot, a plant tends to produce more male flowers. In cooler temperatures, a cucumber plant produces more female flowers. To reduce the likelihood of cold weather problems, it is advisable to use row cover as this protects the plants from frost and cold weather.
  • Nutrients in the soil also affect flower formation. Cucumber plants are known to be relatively heavy feeders and have high nutrient requirements. However, if too much fertilizer is added to the soil, the roots can be burned. Additionally, excess nitrogen can cause the plant to produce more leaves, which can delay the onset of flower production. To avoid this problem, it is best to fill the soil with compost insteadto supply with fertilizer, as this generally provides the plant with a wide range of nutrients but not excessive amounts of nitrogen.