Growing apricots from kernels: How to prepare apricot kernels, plant them and take care of the tree

Apricots are one of the most popular local fruits because they are suitable for making so many tasty treats, including cakes and jam. Are you holding a split apricot in your hand and wondering if you should try growing your own plant from it? Our answer is clearly “yes”, because it is really easy and will be a success even for beginners. We'll explain to you exactly how to grow apricots from the kernels, how to care for the tiny tree and whether you can actually count on harvesting your own fruit one day.

Germinating the apricot kernel - this is how it's done

If you want to pull apricots from the kernels, you should do so immediately, while the kernel is still fresh. It doesn't have to dry first like some other seeds. However, you should thoroughly remove any pulp, otherwise mold can form, which can spoil the core. You can now either plant the apricot kernels directly using loose potting soil, e.g. B. a mixture of sand and earth. Or you can prepare each seed first so that germination occurs faster.

Prepare the core for faster germination

The core has a hard shell. In order to break through this, the seedling needs a certain amount of time and strength. You can do thatBut speed up the processby pre-treating the apricot kernel. You have the following options to choose from when choosing apricotsPull cores:

  • Chill the core in the refrigerator for 7 days. Before you plant it in the ground, break it up. A nutcracker can be used for this. Cooling causes the shell to become firmer and easier to crack than the fresh, still flexible shell. Then dig the seeds you will find inside into the prepared potting soil. It should germinate within two weeks.
  • Take a glass of water and put the core in it for 2 days. Swelling makes the hard shell softer and the seedling can break through it more easily. You can also remove the seeds straight away and let them swell.
  • Rub the outsides of the core shell with sandpaper. This ensures that the core can absorb water more quickly and better when watering, softens and can finally be broken through by the seedling. You can also use a simple file for roughening.

Growing apricots from seeds – what happens after planting?

Then moisten the substrate thoroughly. To do this, you can place the pot in the bathtub or in a sink, for example. Leave the draining plate out and then drain the water well. The soil should not be too wet and this applies to the entire germination period.

Now cover the pot with cling film and place it in a bright and warm place, but free from direct sunlight. The purpose of the film is to keep the potting soil evenly moist, but it must be removed for some time every day. In this way you ensure adequate ventilation, otherwiseMold could form.

Continue these care measures until the seedling comes to the surface of the soil. This can take several months if the kernel and shell have not been pre-treated.

Pull apricots from the kernels and care for them properly

Of course, preparing the core and planting it are only half the way to success. If you want to grow an apricot tree from a kernel, you must take appropriate care of it after germinationcare for young plants. What you should keep in mind:

  • If the seedling appears, you can leave out the foil and take care of the future tree as normal by watering whenever the soil dries out.
  • Also keep the location.
  • Allow the plant to grow a few inches tall before moving it outside. However, it is only allowed into the garden when sub-zero temperatures (frost) are no longer expected.
  • Get the young plant used to the conditions in the garden for a few days by initially only putting it outside for a few hours. During this time, avoid the strong, direct midday sun.
  • Then plant your tree in the garden and water it well. Rain and wind have a negative impact on growth, which is why it is best to find a sheltered spot in the garden.

Is the home-grown apricot tree fruit-bearing or just decorative?

As you probably know, most people dohome-grown treesThe chance that they will produce fruit is relatively low or at least takes many years. You will be pleased to know that this is not the case with apricot trees. As long as you take good care of the plant, you can expect the first fruits after just 3 to 5 years. So it's definitely worth it that you pull apricots from the kernels.