Pulling a peach from the pit: You can do it correctly with our step-by-step instructions!

An orchard is desirable to many homeowners. What could be better than enjoying your own fruit? And peaches are one of the most popular fruits for young and old. Can you grow peaches from pits? It is entirely possible to grow peaches from seeds. They take several years to bear fruit, but it can still be a rewarding experience. Growing peaches from seed is not difficult and transplants can be treated like any other fruit tree and grown in pots. Here you can find out how you can grow peaches from the pit.

How to grow a peach from the pit

An easy way to plant peaches yourselfpull from core, consists of planting a peach pit directly into the ground in the fall. Then let the peach pits germinate naturally. This happens in spring. An alternative is to induce the seed through cold treatment.

How to proceed:

  • Soak the core in water for an hour or two.
  • Then place in a plastic bag with slightly moist soil and store in the refrigerator. The suitable temperature is -6 C.
  • Germination can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months or longer.
  • Plant in well-drained soil in fall and add compost.
  • Plant the peach pit about 8-10 cm deep and then cover it with about 2.5 cm of straw or similar mulch. Water during planting and then only during drought. In the spring you should see seedlings and a new peach seedling will grow.
  • If germination took place in the refrigerator, plant the seedlings in a pot or a permanent outdoor location.

Step-by-step germination instructions

Here you will find detailed instructions on how to grow peaches from seeds. Keep your seeds cool until you are ready to start the germination process. You can plant the whole kernel without breaking it open first, but the seed will germinate more quickly if the kernel's outer shell is removed. How to do it right:

  • Rinse the core well and then place it in a dry place with good air circulation, such as a kitchen. B. on a windowsill. The core needs three to four days to dry. The core should be completely dry so that you can break it open easily.
  • Remove the seed with a nutcracker or tongs. Be careful not to damage the delicate seed. After cracking, remove the outer, hard shell to reveal the peach pit. The kernel is white and looks very similar to an almond.
  • Place the peach stones in a plastic bag with about 3 cm of water at room temperature. Seal the bag and soak for a few hours.
  • Next, add about a cup of fresh potting soil to the bag until the soil is moist but not wet.
  • Place the bag in the refrigerator at a temperature of -6°C for 5 to 6 weeks.
  • Check the germination and once you notice that the seed shows some growth, you can plant the seed in a pot. It's so easy to grow peaches yourself from seeds.

How to plant the seedling

Do not plant directly into the ground. To plant, you need a mixture of half potting soil and half compost in a ceramic or plastic container. This allows you to better monitor water and nutrient intake.Plant the seedsabout 15 cm below the top edge of the container. After planting, place the container in a reasonably sunny location and when the seedling has a few leaves, slowly move the container into full sun. Continue watering and monitoring growth daily. If the seedling is large enough, you can plant it directly in the garden. Choose a well-drained location with full sun. Peach trees should generally bear fruit within three to five years.

What care for young plants

Peach trees generally need to be watered throughout the growing season, especially when fruit appears, to prevent the fruit from dropping before maturity: Newly planted peach trees should be watered regularly for at least the first year until they are well established have. Cover the area around the new plant's roots with an inch or two of mulch to protect it from the cold winter weather. Water the young tree, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Inspect the trees for pests and take action as soon as you discover any.

Pests on peach trees

Many insects are pests of peach trees and they can cause damage to the peach blossoms, fruits, twigs, branches and trunk. Some of the most common pests include the plum beetle, oriental fruit moth, peach tree borer, small peach tree borer, shotgun borer, scale insect, Japanese beetle and green June beetle. Peach trees aresusceptible to fungal diseases. Vinegar is an amazing natural remedy for controlling and eliminating peach leaf curl. It kills fungi. For a homemade spray against leaf curl, mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with 4 liters of water. Then spray it directly onto the affected plants.